The Question

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(Kamski's POV)

Again, waking up to a beautiful girl like Sky is amazing.

And soon she will be my fiance. And then someday, my wife.

I get up and leave the room. I head to the kitchen and see that Gavin is at the table already. He's always woken up earlier than I have.

"Hey, can I ask you a favor?" I say.

"Can it wait an hour?" He grumbles.

"No, actually. I... want to go out and get her a ring. I... was hoping you'd help me pick it out." I tell him. He looks up at me with an annoyed expression.

"You are asking the wrong guy, Nerd." He says. He turns to face me and puts the news paper in front of his face, effectively hiding from the conversation.

"Please. I have no one else..." I plead.

"Maybe you shouldn't have fucking killed everyone then!" He snaps at me. He stands up and walks out of the kitchen, bumping me on the way out.

Fine. Fuck him. I can do it myself.

I hope?

I leave the house and get in the car. There should be a jewelry store not far from here. If it's still here that is. It was a nice little family owned shop. I bought Sky earrings from there as a birthday present.

She didn't have her ears pierced. But she got them pierced specifically for the earrings. I held her hand as she got them done. She cried. She hated needles. Probably still does.

The shop is still here! Good. I wonder if they'll remember me?

I get out of the car and walk in. An older woman is behind the counter.

"Little Elijah? Is that you?" She says.

"Hello Mrs. Davis. I'm so glad this place is still here. Holding up nicely?" I say.

"Business has been slow the last few years... but we're scraping by. You on the other hand left this town the first chance you got and made the most out of yourself. I'm so proud of you. Everyone here is." She says.

"R- really? Even after what happened in Detroit?" I ask.

"Of course! How could that have been your fault? It's not like you GAVE them the bomb." She says. She gives me a gentle smile. I've always respected her.

"How are Maddie and Thomas these days, Mrs. Davis." I ask as I begin to browse the beautiful rings in the glass case.

"Oh you can call me Ruth. You're not a child anymore, Elijah. Maddie became a veterinarian and Thomas recently got married to his husband, Henry Williams. Did you know him? He's your age as well." She says.

"No I don't believe I knew him. I didn't really have many friends as a kid." I reply, chuckling to myself.

"What about that girl you were so enamoured with? Skylar?" She asks.

"Actually, Skylar is who I'm shopping for." I tell her.

"Really? I'm glad you made up. I know you two weren't talking for a while." She says.

"I'm glad too." I say.

"What's the occasion this time? If I remember correctly her birthday isn't until February." She says.

"I'm actually... planning on proposing to her." I confess. It feels strange and new to say that. To hear those words come out and know I'm talking about Skylar. I love it.

"Really?! It's about time!" She says. I chuckle and feel a blush creep up on my face.

"See anything she'd like?" She asks.

"Actually... yeah. Can you bring out this one?" I ask, pointing to a diamond ring with flecks of baby blue around the band. That's her favorite color.

We discuss the quality and carat of it and I decide it's perfect. I pay and give her a special request.

"May I give you a donation? To keep you running and everything. It would be an honor." I say.

"Oh Elijah. I'm getting too old for this. It has to close someday soon. I don't have anyone that could take over." She says.

"What about an android?" I suggest. She laughs.

"Oh, sweetheart, androids are much too expensive." She says.

"I can get you one that can do the job. Free of charge. If you want, that is." I say.

"I'll think it over. Are you staying in your parents' old house?" She asks.

"Yes, Ma'am." I reply.

"I'll let you know in a few days." She says. I nod and tell her goodbye.

Once I get home, I walk into the house smiling. Skylar and Gavin are in the living room playing an old board game. I walk closer and see that it's Scrabble.

"Gavin Reed? Playing Scrabble? Unheard of." I say. I immediately get a tile to the face.

"Fuck you. Just cuz I don't play with you doesn't mean I can't play." He says.

"You can't fucking spell, Gav." I reply.

"I can too!" He says.

"You're doing a shit job at it." Skylar says.

"Fuck both of you." He says. He crosses his arms and leans back.

"Hey, Sky can you come here for a second?" I ask.

"Sure." She says. She gets up and comes over to me.

My heart's beating faster than ever as I pull the box out of my pocket. I slowly get down on one knee. Her hands cover her mouth immediately, her eyes wide. Gavin behind her is looking over at us. He gives me a sly thumbs up. I take a deep breath and open the box.

"Will you marry me?" I ask, acutely aware that my voice is shaking.

"Yes! A million times yes!" She says. I slip the ring on her finger as I stand. I grab her and kiss her harder than I have before. She wraps her arms around me and kisses me back. Once we release each other she looks at the ring on her finger.

"Elijah it's beautiful..." She says.

"It's not nearly as beautiful as you, Skylar." I reply.

"I love you." She says. She kisses me before I could say it back.

I love her.

I'm going to marry her.

I'm going to marry my best friend!

My life is only just beginning.

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