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(Skylar's POV)

I was right. We're back in our home town. It's bittersweet being back here. On one hand, I grew up here. I lived most of my life here. This is where my first apartment was.

But at the same time, my best friend left me and I didn't hear from him again. I lost my dad here. My mom as well. The only friends I had left from here are fucking dead.

So I'm not in the best mood but it could be worse.

"Should we stop by your house first to let your mom know you're ok? It's been so long since I've seen her." Elijah asks.

"Uh... Kam... I never really got a chance to tell you because it never came up... My mom died." I tell him.

Gavin puts his head in his hands.

"You can't do shit without fucking up can you? How the hell did you even manage to fall for him, Sky." He says.

"I didn't know! I literally had no idea!" Elijah says.

"You didn't ask? How do you not ask your girlfriend about her parents?! Especially if she used to be your fucking best friend! You haven't seen her for 20 years and you never asked how her parents were?!" He shouts.

"Have you?!" Elijah shouts back.

"No! Because I'm not friends with Sky and her parents hated me!" Gavin shouts.

I burst out laughing.

"I'm stuck with you guys right now. And as much as the idea of being trapped and dependant on you two, I can already tell I'm going to be incredibly entertained by your bickering. Oh how I've missed this." I say.

"I'm already regretting taking him with." Elijah grumbles.

"Love you too, dude." Gavin says, laughing.

"So are we like, staying with your parents?" I ask.

"Our parents died in an accident actually..." Elijah replies.

"Fuck you're both hopeless! HOW DID NEITHER OF YOU ASK ABOUT EACH OTHERS FAMILIES?! You didn't see each other for 20 fucking years!" Gavin yells.

"We were kind of busy the last few days." I respond.

"Doing what? Sucking face?" He says.

"No! We just had other things on our minds!" I say, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks.

"Yeah, each other. Christ you two were MADE for each other. Just kiss and make up, dammit." He says.

"I'll think about it." I reply.

Elijah sighs. We turn the corner onto our old street. We pass by my old house, a new family has moved in finally. He pulls into the driveway of his childhood home, only 3 houses down from mine.

We all get out and grab bags. Elijah goes up the walkway and unlocks the door. Gavin and I straggle behind, both cramped from the long drive. As we walk in, Gavin immediately bee lines for their old bedroom. That's when it hits me.

The house was a 2 bedroom.

"I'm not sharing with you." I tell Elijah.

"Would you rather share with him?" He asks.

"No. I'll sleep on the couch." I tell him.

"Fine." He sighs. He hands me the bag with the clothes I already had at his house. I walk over to the living room and he turns the lights on.

"So, your parents never sold the house?" I ask.

"I own it. I inherited it, really. I've been paying for upkeep." He says. That's oddly sweet.

It's late and I'm tired. I go over to the bathroom and get changed. When I come back there's a blanket on the couch for me. The same blanket he always gave me if I fell asleep at his house.


How can I not still love him when he's trying so hard.

Maybe tomorrow we can kiss and make up.

Today I need to sleep off everything that's happened.

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