A Girl Named Sky

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(Skylar's POV)

I'm outside Elijah Kamski's house. Why am I doing this? What the hell am I doing?

He's a different person from when I last saw him. I'm just as different. Why should I do this? It'll just crush my soul. Oh wait I don't have one and I'm slowly dying inside.

I shake off my emotions and walk up to the door and ring the bell. The door opens and a beautiful female android opens the door. I'm speechless for a minute, stunned by her beauty.

"Can I help you?" She asks.

"Uh... yeah. I'd like to see Mr. Kamski?" I reply.

"I'm sorry, Elijah doesn't take visitors." She says.

"Can you at least tell him that Sky came by? Please?" I request. She nods and closes the door.

Yeahhh she's not gonna tell him. I'm going to go do follow up now. This was a waste of time.

(Kamski's POV)

"A girl named Sky was at the door asking for you." Chloe says.

"Sky...? What did she say?" I ask. It couldn't be Skylar White. She hates me.

"Just told me to tell you her name is all." Chloe replies.

"Hm... Thank you, Chloe." I say.

Skylar White... The love of my life. I never even told her, not like she'd have cared. She never had a boyfriend in school, only girlfriends. We never discussed her sexuality. She never 'came out.' She just told me about her girlfriend one day. I was trying to gain the courage to ask her out when she told me. So we remained friends. Best friends...

At least I thought we were.

The day after I left for Detroit my brother called and told me she'd been telling others at her school that she was glad I was gone. She was telling people that she was only friends with me because our parents were friends, she never wanted to be around me. She pitied me for being so antisocial.

The only person I ever fell for ripped my heart to pieces. And I wasn't even there to fight back. Despite everything... if I could see her again... just for a minute to either tell her off or confess how I felt... I would.

"Chloe, what did the girl look like?" I ask.

"She was my height, with a light complexion, red hair, and green eyes. She was wearing professional clothes. She looked like a reporter, though she had no supplies." Chloe says.

"I did know her... " I say. Why would she come here? Now that I'm successful does she want to mend this? Take advantage of me? Lie to me? I'm not going to let her walk all over me...

Yes you are, Elijah. You still love her.

Great now I have to go find her.

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