Let's Talk (Reprise)

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(Skylar's POV)

Oh my god I am so fucking embarrassed.

Now he's probably got the idea of marriage in his head.

Not that I WOULDN'T marry him. It's just we haven't talked about it... and I'd be a little afraid to marry him. It would end up being super public. I've never been in the public eye.

I guess I can handle it as long as Elijah is by my side.

I sit down on the couch next to Gavin.

"Why is your face on fire?" He asks.

"I was talking to a little kid outside and when Elijah came out the kid said we should get married." I explain.

"The kid said you and my brother should get married or you and the kid?" He asks.

"Me and Elijah! The kid wasn't creepy!" I say.

"I'm a detective. I've seen weird shit." He responds.

"I don't doubt it." I say.

"So what did brother dearest say?" He asks.

"About marriage?" I ask.

"No about the fucking weather. YES MARRIAGE, SKYLAR." He snaps.

"Fuck you. He said we should but I'm sure he was just playing" I tell him.

"How do you know he was playing?" He asks.

"He was messing with me about it because I was blushing. He was trying to get me to blush more." I say.

"He may have said it playfully but I don't think he was playing." He says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Don't tell him I said this but he used to talk about marrying you as a kid. He really hoped you'd be married by now." He says.

"Wait, really?!" I don't believe him.

"If you tell him I told you, I will punch you as hard as he punches me. I have NO qualms hitting a woman. Well... only you. I have no qualms hitting you." He says.

Elijah legitimately wants to marry me? He used to at least... but...

Does he still? Now that he's grown up and experienced the world?

Elijah comes into the house and walks into the living room. He goes behind the couch and leans over me, putting his arms around my shoulders. I look up at him and he smiles.

"What's up?" He asks.

Gavin gives me a side look. I take it as a warning.

"Just... news." I say, gesturing to the TV.

"Then why is your face still so red?" He asks, smirking. I reach up and punch his shoulder lightly.

"Shut up, I hate you." I say.

"No you don't." He replies. He leans down more and kiss my head. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah... sure." I say. Is he going to talk about what happened outside?

I stand and follow him back to his room. He sits on the foot of the bed, looking slightly uncomfortable. I sit next to him and shove him off the bed. He gets back up and shoves me back, laughing.

"I love you, Skylar White." He says. Weird use of my last name...? I'll play along.

"I love you too, Elijah Kamski." I say.

"What... what would you think... about being.... Skylar Kamski?" He says. Is... Is he asking me to marry him? Or is this his way of trying to be cute?

"I'd... hyphenate it. But I'm not opposed to it." I tell him.

"Yeah? I mean... You wouldn't mind... marrying me?" He asks.

"Look, are you asking me to marry you or are we discussing the possibility of marriage?" I ask.

"Do you want me to?" He asks. Damn. That got turned around on me really fast. Well shit that's a pretty loaded question. If I say yes it'd be like saying yes to a proposal. If I say no it'd be like rejecting him. Smart man.

"Yes, and no. Yes that I definitely want you to ask me, someday, when you're ready with a ring and everything. No because I don't want you to ask right now." I answer.

"I can get you a ring. It'll be the most beautiful ring you'll ever see. But you don't mind it being so... soon?" He says.

"Ok first off: You do NOT have to do anything super extravagant for me. It's just me, Kam. And no I don't mind because I've known you since we we're in diapers and I've loved you since like 8. To me it feels like forever already." I tell him. He immediately hugs me.

"I don't approve of this 'it's just me' shit, Sky. What do you mean 'just?' You are absolutely amazing! Nothing is too extravagant because nothing in the world can even compare to your beauty." He says.


Is the nicest thing I've ever heard.

I wrap my arms around him and kiss him. He smiles into the kiss and pulls me tighter. When he releases me I kiss his cheek.

"I love you, Elijah."

"I love you too." He says. He smiles at me, blush starting to creep up on his face. "Hey do you... want a family someday?"

"Like... kids?" I ask to clarify.

"Yeah. Yeah, kids." He says.

"I've always wanted to adopt or something." I say.

"Adopt? You'll have a husband..." He says. Oh. Right, he wouldn't know.

"Kam... I can't have kids. I can't get pregnant." I say.

His face falls and he looks... disappointed?

Last I checked he hated kids.

But he seemed to like Cameron so maybe he changed.

Cyberlife even developed children androids while he was CEO.

"It's okay, Sky. Adopting is completely fine with me. As long as I have you... anything is fine." He assures me.

I love him so much.


I'm going to marry my best friend.

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