Old Times

749 24 22

(Kamski's POV)

"Y- yes Mr. Kamski, sir. She applied her last week and came in today to check if we got her application." The man tells me. He seems to be the manager or whatever of this place. I figured she'd want to be a journalist so I've checked all the journalist style jobs I could find. This one yielded gold.

"Could you give me her address?" I ask. The man looks so intimidated.

"I- I don't think I can. I believe that would be illegal." He replies.

"You can make an acception for me, can't you?" I ask.

"I- I guess I could let it slip... just this once..." He says. He pulls out her paperwork and gives me her address. I thank him and leave. I put my hood over my head and keep my head down until I get to the car.

What am I going to say to her?

Hi Sky it's been like 20 years... Fuck you?


Hi Skylar I meant to tell you decades ago but I fell in love with you until you broke my heart?

Real desperate, dude.

I'll just wing it. I'll be fine. I'm smart, I'll think of something.

I arrive at the address given to me. The lights are on so she's home. Good. Don't make a fool of yourself.

I ring the doorbell. I hear laughter behind the door getting closer until it opens.

"Kamski?!" The girl says.

"Jasmine?!" I'm confused. I thought Sky lived here. Not her best friend.

"I go by Jazzy now. My dad called me Jasmine. I don't associate with him anymore." She says, crossing her arms and leaning against the door frame. Her dad was always a hard ass, we all knew he'd cross the line at some point. Guess it happened.

"Sorry about your dad, Jazzy. Um, I'm sorry but I was told Sky lives here." I tell her.

"She does. Among others. She drew the short stick and had to go pick up takeout. You're welcome to wait for her inside." She says. I accept her offer and she lets me in.

I recognize these people. There's three people, including Jazzy. George from Sky's high school. He was on their dance team. She took me to a few dance shows at her school, they were boring. Juan was friends with my brother. I didn't know he and Sky became friends.

They both look at me in shock for a moment.

"Uh... come sit man." George says, patting the seat on the couch next to him. Oh boy I know where this is going.

I sit next to him and he smiles.

"Welcome back, Nerd. You don't look so nerdy anymore." Juan says. They all used to call me Nerd. I never cared. I AM a nerd.

"It's the hair..." I say. I'm not good with people. I was never comfortable around Juan. He was my troublemaker brother's troublemaker friend. He kept getting arrested as a kid. Middle school... high school... Always for doing stupid stuff. At least my brother didn't get arrested, or he wouldn't be a detective.

"I don't know, Nerd... your piercings are pretty cute." George says. I knew he'd say something like that. George has always flirted with EVERY guy he meets.

"Still never gonna happen, man." I tell him.

"It was worth a try." He laughs.

"Was it?" I ask. He laughs again.

Jazzy shakes her head and laughs.

"Just like old times huh, Kamski?" She says.

"All that's missing is Sky..." I say. At least, Sky before she stabbed me in the back.

"She should be here any minute. Why didn't you talk to her earlier when she went to see you?" Jazzy asks.

"I didn't answer the door, my android did. It's not her fault, I have a strict No Visitors policy. Unless I mention it to Chloe before, she doesn't let anyone in." I explain.

"Do you like, not have friends?" Juan asks.

"No. I don't particularly enjoy the company of humans. I prefer androids. They are much easier to be around." I say.

"Kam... I'm gonna be real with you. That's pretty weird. Now, that being said, I'm not surprised. You've always been antisocial. Everyone just assumed you'd grow out of it." Jazzy says.

Wouldn't be the first time someone called me weird.

The door opens and Sky walks in.

"Food's here, you f..." She trails off when she notices me. She everything she has on the table in the kitchen and walks over to me.

"Hi?" I say. So that's what I ended up with. Just 'hi.' Should have stayed home.

"What are you doing here? How did you get my address? And overall, fuck you for abandoning me after you left." She snaps.

"Me?! You start talking shit the second I leave and you expect me to keep pretending I don't know about it!? Fat chance!" I snap back.

"Let's go eat and leave them be, guys." Jazzy says quietly. George and Juan jump up and run to the kitchen, Jazzy following behind, obviously uncomfortable with the tension in the room.

"What the hell are you talking about? I have never EVER said a word against you! Who told you that?!" She yells.

"My brother?! Who else?" I yell back. The anger leaves from her face.

"Oh Kam... He lied to you..." She says softly.

I... wouldn't put it passed him. But why would he lie about Sky?

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