First Date

500 16 13

(Kamski's POV)

I should be happy. I kissed the love of my life yesterday. She agreed to let me take her on a date tonight. I never would have thought this would happen. She's everything that makes me smile.

But what do I wake up to on the news this morning? An 'unidentified' android took over a broadcast at Stratford Tower and broadcasted a message everywhere. I know the android is the RK200 that I gave Carl Manfred. He must not have been destroyed properly. He claimed they were prepare to fight, leaving no human in peace until they are free. This was demonstrated clearly given the fact that several workers at stratford tower died.

Normally I would be okay with this. Humans never treated each other with kindness. Especially not anyone or anything that's different. I have nothing but contempt for other humans, that's why I made androids. They're better than us in in every way.

But now I have a human I actually want around me. I want Sky happy and healthy and unharmed. I know she'd never attack an android but there's always a chance she'll be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Like the time in school she told me about. There was a fight that started while she was walking down the hall. A crowd formed immediately knocking her down and a staff member dragged her into the office thinking she was part of the fight. Her parents weren't able to come down to the school so the next people on her emergency contact were my parents.

That was a crazy day.

Chloe comes in with coffee. She sets it down next to me and I thank her. Before she leaves I decide to talk to her.

"Chloe I have a question." I call. She turns around and comes back to me.

"Yes, Elijah?" She says.

"How do you feel?" I ask her.

"Elijah, I do not have the capability to feel. I am not equipped with any kind of advanced programs." She replies. I can change that easily. But would she want that? Emotions are a lot to handle and I don't want to force anything on her.

"Would you want to?" I ask.

"I do not want anything, Elijah." She replies. I sigh and dismiss her.

I have a workshop with enough supplies to make a complete copy of Chloe. I could giver her emotions immediately upon activation. This would allow her to adjust accordingly.

I jump from the table and head to my workshop. I pull out a female android body to work with. Plugging it into my computer I first download Chloe's base program. This takes at least an hour. After that I set her features to match Chloe's. This doesn't take very long. All I have to do is replace some of her hardware parts.Next is the empathy program. That can be switched on by androids but I'll switch it on myself.

I modify the programs until any errors are smoothed out. I make sure both the base program are weaved together instead of being two separate programs. Doing this optimizes process time to make her more lifelike, more alive.

There's a knock at my door. I wave away Chloe, I'm too busy now to deal with anything else. I want to get this right.

"Not now, Chloe. I'm working on something important." I say.

"More important than your date?" Says a voice that definitely wasn't Chloe. I glance at the time and realize I've completely lost track of time. I'm an hour late to meet Sky at a restaurant.


I turn around to see Sky in a beautiful blue dress that goes down passed her knees. Her arms are crossed across her chest and she looks pissed. She has on the necklace I got her when she was in high school...

"I'm an asshole. I am SO sorry. I must have gotten carried away. I'll make it up to you, I promise. Next time I'll take you on the best date of your entire life. Next time I'll take you to PARIS or anywhere you want to go." I tell her, taking off my glasses.

"What makes you think there will be a next time?" She says as she leans against the door frame.

I really fucked up. I kissed her just over 24 hours ago and I've already let everything crumble.

"I... I am so sorry, Sky. I won't forgive myself for doing bailing on you, I don't expect you to forgive me either. I'm... a complete asshole." I say. I hang my head in shame. How did I get so wrapped up in just an IDEA that I completely forgot about my date? Probably because I'm not used to dates.

She sighs and shakes her head.

"I forgive you, you big dork. I'm used to you forgetting shit because of work. You forgot most of my sports things in high school, forgot my piano recital in middle school, forgot to pick me up from my first job interview like you PROMISED. All because you got too caught up in work. It's like that big brain of yours can only do one damn thing at a time." She says. She claims she forgives me but she still sounds pissed.

"I... don't know how to respond to that. I feel that no matter what I say you're still going to be mad." I say. She rolls her eyes.

"Just tell me one thing, Elijah." She says.

"Sure...?" I say, preparing myself for whatever she's about to hurl at me.

"What do you think of me?" She asks.

That is not what I expected. I thought she was going to ask why I'm such a forgetful asshole.

"Wh- what do I think of you?" I clarify.

"Did you kiss me only because everyone was expecting you to or-" I stop her there.

"No! I kissed you because I wanted to. Honestly I just needed some encouragement. Sky I think the world of you. I would never deliberately do anything to hurt you. I wouldn't lie to you, I wouldn't play with your emotions. I... love you." I confess, looking anywhere but at her.

"I love you too, Nerd. Come on out to the kitchen, I brought us take out instead. You can stay in your lab coat you look silly. It's cute." She says,walking out. I sigh and follow her out. We sit down together in the kitchen and start eating.

"Thank you, Sky. For... everything. You didn't have to forgive me." I tell her.

"Shut up, Kam. You're fine. I love you for who you are. That includes all of your flaws. What were you even working on that got you so into it? I thought you were done working on androids." She asks.

"I had an idea. I can't upgrade Chloe with the empathy program that makes androids deviant. It would overload her. I've also never made an android program with the empathy program already active. So I decided I'd make a copy of Chloe and give it active empathy immediately. She would basically awaken completely alive. I want to see if it works." I explain.

"I understood about half of what you said. But I understand enough to know you are passionate about this idea. I also understand enough to know I do not want to hear the explanation again." She says smiling. I laugh.

"You were never good with technology." I say.

"You also talk a mile a minute when you're excited about something so it's very hard to keep up." She says, elbowing me. I laugh harder.

I lean over and kiss her cheek.

"You don't have to take me on a date for us to be together, Elijah. I've known you long enough that we can skip that part." She tells me.

"So does that mean... you're my first girlfriend then?" I ask.


"SHUT UP!" I shout back.

She laughs and I laugh with her.

I love her.

Please don't let me fuck up again.

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