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(Skylar's POV)

Last night was interesting. I knew he'd forget so I didn't mind too much. After I left he went back to working on the new android. I know because I received a text message at 1 A.M. that he finished.

I decide to head to his house this morning. I want to see how well his little experiment went.

I pull up and there's already another car here. Does Elijah have other friends? I get out and walk up to the door. I'm about to ring the doorbell when the door opens and a man I don't recognize walks out.

"Oh shit. Uh, hi? Who are you?" I ask.

"Lieutenant Anderson, DPD. Who are you?" He asks.

"Skylar White. I'm his girlfriend. Is he in trouble?" I ask.

"I didn't know he had friends, let alone a girlfriend. No he's not in trouble. We just had questions. Sorry I startled you." He says.

"That's... a fair assessment of him, honestly. I hope you got what you needed." I say, giving a half smile. I know Kam is very uncooperative when it comes to law enforcement. Too much covering for his brother as a kid.

Lieutenant Anderson nods and heads to his car. I walk in the house and an android walks out of the pool room.

"Party at Kamski's house today?" I joke. He does not seem like one to joke.

"My name is Connor. I'm investigating deviants with Lieutenant Anderson. Apologies for the disruption, Ma'am." He says. He moves passed me and out the door before I can say anything.

What the hell kinda android was he? I shake my head and walk into the pool room.

Elijah is in his robe, kneeling down with Chloe in his arms. She has a bullet hole in her head...

I run to his side and kneel down next to him.

"Elijah, what happened? Chloe..." I don't understand... I thought they were officers. Why did they destroy Chloe.

"I... I tested the android. I wanted to try to trigger deviancy... I gave him an ultimatum. Shoot Chloe and I'll tell him what I know... Or spare her, let her live another day, but I won't tell him anything. Without hesitation he killed her..." He says, voice shaking.

"What... what made you think that was a good idea. What about the other Chloe you finished? What did you tell him?" I ask. He shakes his head and a tear slips out. He was very proud of Chloe. He's lost his greatest achievement.

"Two officers were killed in a riot last night by androids. I'm worried about your safety, Sky." He says quietly.

"Me? I'll be fine, Kam. Don't worry about me. I'm worried about your mental health." I tell him.

"I'll be fine. I just need a distraction." He says, standing. He offers his hand to me and I take it. He helps me to my feet and hugs me.

"I'll stay here as long as you want, Elijah. I want to make sure you're ok." I tell him. He looks up at me and gently places a hand on my cheek.

"Forever...?" He replies.

"I can't stay forever, Kam. I have to find a job someday, I have stuff at home." I inform him.

"You don't need a job. You'll have everything you'll ever need with me. Please..." He pleads.

I've never seen him distraught like this. He's gotten pretty upset around me but this is different. I guess for now I can stay with him and when he's okay again we can work out the kinks. I don't want him spending a dime on me.

"Alright, Kam. I'll stay..." I tell him.

He kisses me hard and I smile as he does.

I love this. I love being with him.

I love him.

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