C7: Nothing beats Teamwork!

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Around the same time Mako obliterated hundreds of Monsters in a single stroke, and when Zef was admonishing her actions, an intense battle was unfolding on the North and Northeast end of the village.

Monsters of varying sizes were marching in an orderly manner, making one doubt their eyes. It was more of an army rather than a flock of monsters.

In front of such a wave of monsters, stood several of Mako's Guild Members.

"[Martial Skill: Cyclone Kick]!"
"[Sword Skill: Quick Draw]!"
"[Area Heal]! [Herculean Strength]!"
"[Sage Skill: Ice Age]!"

Several voices overlapped from here and there. A tornado launched several monsters in the air followed by a flash of light, turning all monsters into corpses. After two shadows, blinking in green and yellow light, retreated from the middle of the fight, the whole field surrounding the monsters turned into ice. All monsters left alive got their movement slowed down, making them into easier targets.

"Vanguards! Time to push back! Healers, dump all your heals to the tanks! Don't let their HP drop below 50%! Mages, rain down spells like there's no tomorrow! Archers and gunners, shoot all flying monsters down!"

A man wearing a full plated, red-black themed armor, was shouting put orders. Despite being left in charge of ordering the whole group, he was the one on the very front, slashing one monster after the other. He is one of the guild's executives, the Sub-Master, Ren-ren. Despite his name sounding like a joke, he was the one on the 4th place of the game's player rankings. He is a Master of Strategy, and a full pledged General.

With his orders, the wave of monsters slowly died down. In just a few minutes, the monsters were almost eradicated already.

"Forward! Charge! If anyone falls back, harsh training is waiting for them!" Ren-ren continued, spearheading the charge himself.

"[Martial Skill: Skull Breaker]!" He shouted the name of the skill while swinging his giant greatsword downwards to the head of a mammoth-like beast, obliterating it's head in one stroke.

"Crawl from the depths of Hell and claim my enemy's life [Hell's Gate]!" Freya, from the backline, chanted her spell. Hundreds of bony arms popped from the enemy monsters' foot, holding them in place.

"I really should have taken that skill, [Chant Omission]..." Freya muttered while her face is blushing in embarrassment. As her job is a Magic Caster, all her spells had chants before she can cast them. Shouting cheesy lines straight out in all seriousness while many other players are around is plain embarrassing.

Without wasting the chance she provided, all of the remaining attackers poured their skills at once. In just a moment, all the monsters remaining were slain. Ren-ren then gathered the group before re-entering the village.

"As usual, our teamwork is the best!!!" Ren-ren declared, earning shouts of joy from the other enthusiastic members.

Mako, after her long sermon from Zef, welcomed the group back.

Number of players: 50
Total number of Enemy crushed: 735
Injured: 20
Casualty: 0

It was a perfect victory.

Well, well, well. I guess the story is progressing quite well. Though in my point of view, there were holes left here and there, I guess I can just fill it up later on.

Anyways, please don't forget to Vote, comment, or Share this story! I'll reeeeeaaaaalllly appreciate it~!

~Seraph Wedd~

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