C12: Cleaning Up is a Job

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After a large battle, comes the cleanup. Of course, some may think that the cleanup was much gruesome that the fight itself. Due to this, those level 300 and below who are idle were the ones assigned to this job.

Proper disposal of the corpse is as usual. The collection of materials from the corpses went as planned too. However, gathering the materials itself drained most of the cleanup group's sanity. Due to the supposedly otherworld travel, there's a peculiar property that was added compared to the game. That is the monster's body temperature and smell. What's more, wriggling your arm through the body of the corpse to gather their cores made them feel the strange pressure from inside the body, the sticky texture of the viscera, and the strange smell of their blood.

"Ugh! Yuck!!!" Zef muttered after drawing a core from inside a wolf-like monster. No matter what he was to Mako, he still need to work as the guild dictated.

"Then want to switch with me?" Quill muttered from behind. Looking back, Zef saw how Quill had a serious face as he disected a whole orc. Due to the amount of materials he can get from it like meat, core, tusks, and balls, he was dismantling the whole corpse. It was a scene from hell, which made Zef almost throw up.

"Ugh! Can you keep down on the gore stuff?!" Zef asked, while working hard to prevent his stomach from turning over.

"This... I was trying to though..." Quill answered as he drew the orc's balls as if a weed plucked from the ground.

Zef, unable to hold on any longer, searched for much tame places to gather materials from. Areas with orcs, out. Areas with giants and ogres, another out. Areas with zombies and ghouls, another out, even those assigned there had turned green faced already. It made Zef wonder how bad the smell there was. Unable to find anything much simpler, he resumed dismantling corpses of wolves. Only pelts, fangs and cores were needed so there was little work to do.

"I wonder how Mako's doing?" Zef muttered, trying to ignore the sensation of cutting through the wolves' flesh.

Since the end of the battle, Mako was unconscious. The Healers and Mages worked hard to return her MP and HP to maximum but she still hadn't regained consciousness. Four hours had passed since then.

"Well, she's my sister. I bet she'll be as good as new after a good sleep." Convincing himself as so, he continued working while grimacing.

"... But I wish she could excempt me from this job... Ugh, makes me feel sick..." though he couldn't help but grumble in the end.

Meanwhile, his little sister, Mako was resting inside the Village Elder's house. There's no wound anymore and her mana was back to full, all that's left was the fatigue from the long battle.

"... Uhn...... An unknown ceiling..." Mako muttered as soon as she woke up. She wanted to say that line at least once in her life. Feeling the sense of accomplishment, she raised her body and looked around.

"... Guess the fight was finished then..." She said after looking at the busy figure of her guild through a nearby window.

She laid down once more and returned to dreamland. Resting a bit more wouldn't hurt anyone would it?

Woah! Another laid back chapter! Made it for those wondering how Mako and Zef are always together. They are siblings! Though Zef is the older one despite his avatar's looks.

Anyway, as I always say, please vote, share, or comment below if you like.

~Seraph Wedd~

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