C8: The Calm Before the Storm

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After the quick defense of the village, Mako and Zef continued their information gathering.

With just the information they got there, they are almost completely convinced that they are in another world. One proof is the complex behaviour of NPCs. If this was the game, then NPCs will only have a few lines they can say lest they are quest givers. However, even with the complex response of NPCs, there's no sign of quest indicators appearing, nor a notification of a quest start.

However, not long after, Carie came back with dire news.

"Another wave is coming?" Mako asked to confirm.

"Yes. This time, the average level is increased by about 50. Luckily, they are all coming from the North so defending will be a lot easier." Carie reported.

"What's your take in this situation?" Mako asked, her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"I guess there's a boss somewhere summoning these monsters. Probably farther north from here." Carie said while pointing towards a location North of the village in their impromptu map. "Right about here." She pointed.

"Can you confirm it visually?" Zef asked while pondering about their current situation. However, Carie shook her head, which shook up other things as well.

"Unfortunately, we couldn't. The monsters there are too strong, about level 450. Only the top brass of the guild could reach there safely."

The average level of the First Scouting Division is about 400 only. In short, they are incapable of passing through the monsters safely.

Mako then turned to Carie, her stern face even sharper than before.

"Gather all members over level 300 to defend the village. Those over level 400, ask them to come to the North gate." She spoke. "This is the first ordeal of our guild in this unknown world. We must succeed at all costs."

Carie then bowed before vanishing. It was one skill of an assassin, [Shadow Clone], which allows the user to send a remote controlled clone of him/herself to far off places.

In the middle of the guild hall, Carie stood up before turning to all the players before her.

"Mako declared this as our first conquest! Everyone, give it your all and don't die!" Carie declared, raising her fist high up in the air. Soon, a roar that shook even the large guild hall was heard.

It didn't even take 15 minutes for all members to gather within the small village, making it look cramped.

All members below 300 were assigned support jobs such as handling buffs and heals. Otherwise, they calmed the villagers and assured their safety.

Those level 300 to 400 stood just outside the North Gate, ready to intercept any incoming enemies.

Mako and 80 other players above level 400 were gathered slightly to the East side of the North Gate. They will act as the main assault force to sweep the strong monsters.

Minutes later, a rumble could be felt. It wasn't an earthquake but rather, the effect of the steps of hundreds of monsters running and marching together. Mako, seeing this, pulled out her sword, as clear as crystal, and raised it in the air.

"Let the battle begin!!!"

With her shout as the signal, the battle between Phantom Delivery and the waves of monsters began.

Hurray~! Another part done~!

Looks like our heroes are facing quite a trouble~! I wonder what will happen~?

Don't forget to votr, share or comment~! Much appreciated!

~Seraph Wedd~

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