C14: A Fluffy Knight's Day

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"Waaaah~! How cute~!"
"Please come over here~! I've got some food you know~?"
"Fluffy, fluff~!"

A large horde of villagers occupied a corner of the plaza. In the middle of the crowd, if someone can see it, is a single knight wearing metal reinforced leather armor.

"P-Please make way. M-Makina still needs to do her job!" The armor wearing person said as her ears twitched, her fluffy looking bushy tail hidden between her slender legs. Tears were forming on the corner of her eyes as she puffed her fleshy cheeks.

"""How Cuuuuu~~~te!!!"""

Though her attempt to persuade them landed on deaf ears. Hands came from every direction, trying to pet her head, or touch her tail. Of course, Makina tried to brush away every attempt, though she couldn't keep up with their large number.

Makina is a Member of Phantom Delivery. She's a level 366 veteran Beast Knight, with a race called Sacred Fox reserved for minor players, and has enough strength to blow away everyone in single swing of her hand. Though everyone around her were ignorant of this fact. They only know that she looks like a cute little girl with ears and tail of a golden retriever.

After Mako's job assignment, all groups quickly moved. Makina is part of the 50 members of the scouting group picked by Carie. That's why she was currently in an unknown village, surrounded by curious villagers.

"Excuse me~! MAKINA! TIME TO GO!"

As if waiting for this moment, Carie called. In her hands was a rolled sheet of paper, probably the item they needed. The map of the surrounding villages.

Carie parted the wall of villagers and immediately dragged Makina out of there. Right after leaving the circle, the two vanished into thin air. They were relocated a short distance away, free from the eyes of other villagers. [Assasin Skill: Blink] is a short range teleportation skill only available to the Assasin class.

"L-leader~! Makina was scared~!" Right after they relocated, Makina ended up bawling her eyes out. In the guild, she is THE mascot character #1. Though that was mainly due to her real age being the lowest, 12 years old. Despite her young age, she reached a level of 366 in just a few years. A true gamer.

"Sorry, really~! I needed the other villagers out of sight so I needed you to act as bait." Carie explained with a wry smile.

"Uwaaaaaah~!" Makina jumped into Carie's bountiful bossom as she cried. Soon after, the other members gathered and they then moved away from the said village.

All the while, Carie was patting Makina's head. Though she stopped crying after a couple of minutes, her teary eyes and pouty look as she gripped on to Carie's long muffler really made her look cute.

Little did she know that the bait tactic was to be used a couple more times before the day ended.

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