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Also-Sorry if there are a lot of errors. I have been trying to get some chapters out fast. I usually go back and fix them.

Before Stephanie was supposed to start high school there have been whispers in town that a human mate has been found in one of the supposedly non-mate children. This has created tension that the supernaturals will be doing a crackdown. 

A day before Stephanie started high school the vampires sent out an proclamation that all humans no matter their age will be tested the next day for being a mate. The children will be tested at school, the adults at their place of work, and for those too old or too young at their residence. If anyone has any information on new mates or people trying to hide mates they better come forward now or face the consequences. Failure to show up shows signs of guilt and will be treated accordingly. 

Mark and Lacey have no clue on what to do. Running will show signs of their guilt and will guarantee a target on their backs. Mark and Lacey hope that the makeup works and hopefully they do it by family and have Michelle go first and since she is a non-mate hopefully they don't pay too much attention to Stephanie. 

Stephanie wonders what happened to the new mate and her family. She is worried that she is next.

The next day in the morning before the first day of high school the Harrison family sit and eat in silence and worry at the breakfast table. Before it is time to leave Mark and Lacey ask to see Stephanie alone.

Mark-You will be okay sweetie. The makeup has worked this long. It won't fail us now.

Lacey-Just go in there and don't act like anything is up. Don't draw attention to yourself and hopefully they don't play close attention to you.

Stephanie-Mom, Dad I am scared. What will happen to me, you, and Michelle when I am found out.

Lacey-We will be fine. Don't worry about it. Your father and I will always protect you no matter what.

Before leaving Stephanie hugs her parents tight before heading out the door to walk to school. Usually her parents would drive her and Michelle, but every human must come early today because of the testing.

Stephanie is filled with dread when she catches the sight of her high school. She knows that when she walks in those doors her life will be changing forever. 

A Girl Who Is Destined To Be A MateWhere stories live. Discover now