Screen Time

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Also-Sorry if there are a lot of errors. I have been trying to get some chapters out fast. I usually go back and fix them.

Prince Edward's POV

After Prince Edward's demand there was a shuffling of the laptop. Soon his beautiful mate popped on his screen. 

Her picture does not do her justice. It did not illustrate her beautiful brown hair that looks like it has red highlights when the light shines on it, her endless chocolate brown eyes, her fair skin which would have women from the past green with envy, and how she is the picture definition of an innocent angel.

He is concerned through because he sees the looks of worry and fear on her face. He vows she will never wear those expressions again.

Prince Edward-Hello my love, As you probably know My name is Edward Carter and I am your mate. You have nothing to fear from me. I will love you unconditionally and will try my hardest to give you everything your heart desires. 

Stephanie-What will happen to me? 

Prince Edward-That all depends on what you want. My monster wants me to proclaim the emergency clause and have me claim you now. While I would love to claim you now I don't want you to be unwilling and your too young. When I claim you I want you to be an active participant and at the proper age.  I rather wait than spend eternity with you hating me.

Stephanie-I don't want you to claim me now. 

Prince Edward-Since you do not want me to claim you now there are the following conditions/rules you must follow. 

1.) You have the choice between living where you are now with a vampire family I trust or at the palace with a vampire family I trust.

2.) You will be going to a mate school where you will get the proper education you should of had all along on how to be a proper mate.

3.) You will take princess/future queen lessons.

4.) You will follow all guidelines/rules I give you or people of authority give you.

5.) You will remain healthy.

6.) No boys allowed. Unless approved by me or have a mate.

7.) No secrets.

8.) You must accept everything I give you.

9.) You will conduct yourself as the princess you are. With kindness and respect.

10.) You will type me up a letter everyday. I will try my hardest to follow the rules of not speaking or coming near you until you are of age. Unfortunately, now that my monster has heard your voice it will be harder to control. The letters will make it easier for me to control my monster since I will know you are alright.

Stephanie-Before I ask about the rules. I need to know. What will happen to my parents and sister?

Prince Edward-They will be punished. I don't think you will want me to kill them as my monster demands. So the only way I can appease him is for them to live the rest of their lives in bad conditions doing hard labor. Your sister will go to a human family I trust. 

Stephanie-That will kill them through. They are not made for hard labor. Will I ever see them again?

Prince Edward-Its more life than if I kill them now. You will find my little mate that you shouldn't question me, especially when it involved you. You will never seem them again. Even your sister. I recognized your sister was mostly innocent in all of this. Which is why she is not being punished further than her parents and sister being taken away.

Stephanie-Who will I stay with?

Prince Edward-My second in command. Him and his mate have been trying to have kids with no success. This gives them the chance to raise a child/teenager and I can trust that you will be perfectly safe since they will protect you with their lives. Your choice is them taking care of you in the mate village by your house or in a palace near where I am. 

Stephanie-I will take the mate village by my house. 

Prince Edward-Very well. They are on their way now. You will remain in Village Leader Francis custody until they arrive. I am pushing my monsters limit with this conversation. So I will end it with this. In your first letter I want you to write me your life story. Leave nothing out. I love you Stephanie Harrison. Take care of my heart. I leave it with you.

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