Meet the Guardians

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I cannot believe this book has over 500 reviews. Thanks everyone for reading.

Sorry that I have not updated in awhile. This semester at school has been very hard with multiple family emergencies, school work, and sickness.

I am probably only going to do this when my books get special number views like 100, 500, 1000, etc. But if you are liking this check out my other stories called: Billionaire's Lost Time and Invisible Mate.

Also-Sorry if there are a lot of errors. I have been trying to get some chapters out fast. I usually go back and fix them.

(Stephanie's POV)

After the conversation with the Prince ended, Sergeant Queen and Village Leader Francis decided it was in my best interest they take take me to my old home and get my belongings as I would not be returning.

I put up a fight, especially considering my sister Michelle, would not be taken back to the house until after I left. Maybe they knew I had secretly in my head planned to escape if we would both be allowed  back into the house.

After they forced me into a car, we left the high school and headed home where it would soon no longer be a home.

Soon the car pulled up to my house. A feeling of dread overcame me as I knew this would be the last time I entered those doors.

After Sergeant Queen opened the front door he turned to me and said-Your highness, please go gather your belongings you would like to bring to your new house. You will not be returning here again. In a few minutes I will bring a few suitcases that you can fill. Please, let Village Leader Francis or I know if you need any help.

Stephanie in anger-This is ridiculous. This is cruel that I have to leave the house I have lived in my whole life to move in with strangers just because a birthmark on my left knee says I am destined for a vampire prince!

Village Leader Francis pops into the conversation-Your highness, if you were properly identified at birth as Prince Edward's mate you would have never lived in this house. You would have lived in palaces with so many luxuries you would not even comprehend. Prince Edward is just making up for lost time and putting you back on track for the life you should have lived.

(Shameless plus lol-If you want to read about a man trying to make up for lost time read my story Billionaire's Lost Time).

Stephanie in anger-One, stop calling me your highness. It is Stephanie or Ms. Harrison. I would rather live in this house than a palace. I prefer the simple way of life. Not the fancy palaces way of life. The life I should have lived is one where I can choose my own soulmate and lifestyle and not have it chosen for me.

Sergeant Queen addressed the first part of Stephanie's speech-Remember, your highness, one of your rules Prince Edward gave you is that you must act like the princess you are. Part of that is being called your highness. After Prince Edward confirmed you are his mate he demanded we treat you as such. While the general public cannot know about you until you come of age, the people in the know will treat you like the princess you are.

Village Leader Francis addressed the second part of Stephanie's speech-Nevertheless, this is the path your life is taking you on. You can fold under the pressure and circumstances or rise like the queen you were destined to be. If you want change go out and make it for yourself. You will have all the time in the world now.

Village Leader Francis continues-Now go pack.

Stephanie thinks on what he says, but instead doesn't answer, what she does instead is stomp up the stairs and because she is a teenager slams her door.

After a few hours of packing and putting away her belongings in the suitcases Sergeant Queen found in her parents closet, Stephanie was done.

After she was done she moped around her room until knock sounded on the front door.

From her bedroom, Stephanie could hear muffled greetings. After a few minutes Stephanie hears a knock on her bedroom door.

Stephanie guessed the people outside her door were her new guardians. She decided she was not going to open the door.

After a few minutes of knocking a male voice shouted-Princess, Open the door this instant!

Stephanie screamed-NO!

A female voice entered the mix-Please sweetie, I know this is difficult, but everything will one day turn out okay. Please open the door. We do not want to have to tear it down and might hurt you in the process.


The male voice shouted-Princess, you have to the count of 5 to open the door. 1-2-3-4-5.

After the five seconds go by I hear the big crash of my door being blown off its hinges.

In shock I just watched two vampires walk into my room. The male vampire has a strong athletic build. The female vampire was a blond haired beauty. Both stopped in front of my bed and bowed.

The male opened his mouth up to speak-Princess, Let me introduce myself and my mate to you. I am William Taylor, second in command to Prince Edward, and this is my beautiful mate Kate.

Kate opened her mouth to speak-Princess, William and I are very much looking forward to help raising you. Unfortunately, we were unable to be graced with a child, but I guess our prayers have been answered and we were graced with you. We know this is an adjustment, your whole life has changed, but we will be here for you to help you through it. We know we are not your biological mom and dad, but we promise we will do the best we can with these circumstances.

Stephanie frustrated-Why me? Why couldn't you have adopted a child if you were not able to have one? Just so you know I will never call you mom and dad. 

William answered-Due to my work for the Prince there was never a right time. Plus when adopting a baby it would be a human and we don't think it is right to choose to doom a child to this life if they had a different choice. It is okay for right now not to call us mom and dad. We hope one day you will bond with us enough to call us that. Right now William and Kate are fine.

Stephanie confused for a second-How are you even Prince Edward's second in command?

William explained-Prince Edward and I go way back before the supernaturals took over. Growing up we lived right by each other. Having been the same age we quickly became best friends. After his family was crowned, I became his second in command since he knew I would give my life for him and he can trust me. After he mates with you he will become king. He needs someone besides his mate at his side that he can trust. He is showing that trust when he tasked me with protecting and raising you. His most prized possession. His heart.

Kate entered the conversation-I believe it is best that we leave this house now. After we get home we can talk more and explain the household rules we have for you. You will be starting the mate school in a week. Prince Edward has been kind in giving you the time to adjust to your new life before you start at the mate school.

(So I decided to end it here. I actually decided to add a chapter before having Stephanie start at the mate school. The next chapter will be the new rules Stephanie has to follow, the new house, and bonding experiences with her new guardians, before the following chapter of the mate school. Once she starts at the mate school the chapters will be more accelerated.)

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