Royal Family

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Also-Sorry if there are a lot of errors. I have been trying to get some chapters out fast. I usually go back and fix them.

Benjamin POV

Benjamin Hall considered himself very lucky to be working as the personal secretary for the royal palace. It was a great honor for a young vampire such as himself. 

His family was close friends with the Carter's before they were deemed the vampire royal family. This job was supposed to allow him time to figure out what exactly he wanted to do with his life, a way to find his mate because of all the travel they do, and a way for Prince Edward to stop getting flirted on by the female secretaries.

The job was pretty easy for him and he never got himself in a situation he didn't want to be in until today. 

Ring. Ring. Ring. The phone at his desk sounds. This phone only rings when it is the utmost importance or if someone is of the utmost importance.

Benjamin-This is the Royal Palace home of the Carter family. My name is Benjamin Hall and I am the secretary. How may I help you?

On the other side of the phone line-(Same as last chapter)

Village Leader Francis-Hello, my name is Francis Franklin and I am the village leader for Chicago. As demanded by the crown we carried out extra mating tests to find hidden mates. We have found a couple of hidden mates. One is of the highest interest to the crown. The girl has a running man birthmark on her left knee.

Benjamin cannot believe what he is hearing and says in shock-YOU ARE TELLING ME YOU FOUND PRINCE EDWARD'S MATE!

The other person on the line responds-(Same as last chapter)

Village Leader Francis-Yes. That is what I am saying. Her name is Stephanie Harrison. She is fourteen years old. Her parents are Lacey and Mark Harrison. She has an older sister who is a junior. All are confirmed non-mates. She goes to Kennedy High School. I am sending you her file now.

Benjamin rushes to go to his email on his computer. There in the inbox folder is a file titled: Classified Information: PEM. This was the code for anyone who had found Prince Edward's mate.

Opening the file he sees a picture of a teenage girl with brown short hair, brown eyes, white skin, and looks like the picture of innocence. The next picture is of the girl's left knee. On it is a running man birthmark.

As soon as that registered in his mind Benjamin proclaimed- I MUST GO INFORM THE ROYAL FAMILY!

Benjamin looks at the schedule of the royal family and found that they are all in the royal throne room.

Running down the halls, Benjamin yanks open the throne room doors. Benjamin is met with the royal family shocked expressions. In the room is King Eric, Queen Elizabeth, Princess Emma and her mate/husband Prince Jacob, and the man of the hour Crown Prince Edward on their thrones.

Prince Edward-Benjamin! What is the meaning of this? Why did you run in here without being invited. Explain yourself!


(I said Prince Edward will be told this chapter in the last chapter. Well he was told. This was getting a little too long so I am going to do Prince Edward's reaction next chapter) I thought it be fun to go in depth on the poor unfortunate soul who has to break the news to him. Since I keep teasing I am hoping I can publish the next chapter later today.

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