Prince Edward's Reaction

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Also-Sorry if there are a lot of errors. I have been trying to get some chapters out fast. I usually go back and fix them.

Prince Edward's POV

Edward Carter was 104 years old. He was the eldest son of Eric and his mate Elizabeth and older brother to Emma and her mate Jacob. The Carter family was well known in the vampire world for their kindness, knowledge, wealth, and their ability to not have blood lust with humans. When the supernaturals took over everyone agreed their family was the one for the throne to lead the vampires and humans of the area. Their family ruled with fairness and their life was complete, except Edward's whose mate has not been found yet.

His life was full of dark uneventful days until one day when Benjamin yanks open the throne room doors. Edward parents, sister, brother-in-law, and himself were discussing the topic of hidden mates when they were rudely interrupted.

Benjamin was one of Edward's closest friends so Edward was the one to address him.

Prince Edward-Benjamin! What is the meaning of this? Why did you run in here without being invited. Explain yourself!


Prince Edward in shock runs to Benjamin and shoves him against the wall while grabbing his neck. His monster is at the surface.



Prince Edward rips the file out of Benjamin hands. In that moment his life has changed forever. His little princess has been found. The world began to have meaning again because she was in it.  Feelings of Love, Happiness, Possessiveness, and Protectiveness rush to the surface only to be shadowed by Hatred, Sadness, Anger, and Worry. 

Prince Edward knew he loves Stephanie with every fiber of his being. He was so happy that the wait was finally over. Stephanie Harrison will finally be his and only his. He could not wait until she finally was in his arms where she belonged. 

Prince Edward realized his mate has been hidden from him for fourteen years. He hated himself for not knowing and the people who hid his mate from him. He felt a deep sadness knowing he missed fourteen years of her life and he vowed he will not miss one ever again. He wanted to rage at the world because his mate is underage for four more years and he cannot claim her properly as his monster is urging him to do. Prince Edward worried about if she is healthy, he is worried about her background and what the humans have done to her, and he is worried that she hates him.

Snapping out of his inner thought: Prince Edward proclaims-GET ME A VIDEO CHAT WITH THE VILLAGE LEADER NOW!

King Eric-Son, while I am happy for you, what are you going to do? Your mate is underage and she has been raised as a non-mate her whole life, what if she doesn't even know she is your mate?

Prince Edward-My monster is demanding I proclaim the emergency clause, but I will follow my mates wishes. I have no clue what I will be doing. I just need to see and hear her voice. 

Benjamin rushes back in with a laptop-The video chat is all set up, sir.

Prince Edward was faced with Village Leader Francis on his screen.

Village Leader Francis-Your Royal Highness let me be the first to congratulate you on the finding of your mate. 

Prince Edward-IS SHE ALRIGHT?

Village Leader Francis-Yes. While waiting for your response I had my medical staff give her a full diagnosis exam. She is in perfect health. 

Prince Edward-What does she think of all this?

Village Leader Francis-She is scared. 

Prince Edward-WHY?

Village Leader Francis-She does not know what will happen to her and her family.

Prince Edward-Put her on the screen.

Village Leader Francis-But sir, she is underage if you hear her voice...

Prince Edward-My monster is already demanding I come and claim her now. I need to hear her voice and see that she is perfectly fine myself. Now as your superior I ORDER YOU TO PUT MY MATE ON THE SCREEN NOW!!! 

(Next chapter-They will meet...through screen. Have a conversation. The chapter following is Stephanie's point of view of this conversation) Sorry if the story seems slow. I plan to have this be a longer book so I need the readers to have a strong base before heading into the story. Also there will be sequel books so if I explain more now its less I have to do later.

A Girl Who Is Destined To Be A MateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora