Chapter 10

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*Tori's Pov*

I woke suddenly to the feeling off sticky goop in my hair and on my head, "Oh my god! Guys! You know how long this will take to get out!"

"Don't worry I'll help out in the shower..." Jade sniggered trying not to laugh, I felt cat poking the slime on my head as if she was playing with it, I shook her off and went to take a shower, I knew Jade was gunna walk in so I stayed in my tank top and shorts, I got into the bath and ran the shower, just as I thought I heard the door creak open, i pretended not to notice, The shower curtain few open and jade gasped "Tori you know your top is see through?" She laughed,


"Something to be proud of I'd say!"


"What don't you want me to help?"

Actually I did need some help, "Sure! But don't stare! It's creepy," I laughed and Jade hopped into the shower and scrubbed my hair, her top was see through too so you could imagine the awkwardness in the shower as we were snidely staring,

Once out of the shower me and jade quickly got changed before cat came back with waffles, we all scoffed down the waffles quickly "crap, guys you know it's Monday?!" Jade said looking at her phone, uh shit, we ran to Jades car and drove to school, we just made it in time and went into the artsy building, we went over to my locker to meet the others

(R= Robbie J=Jade T= Tori B = Beck C =  Cat A = Andre)

R - "Hey Gurllss"

J - "Shut it or I will slit your arm open and make tacos with it!"

B - "Chill, Robbie's just saying Hi, Lesbo lunatic Right Andre!"

Andre shook his head and rubbed his temples

A - "here we go..."

Jade pushed Beck to the ground and kicked him in the shin, "Say that again I dare you!" She shouted, "LESBO LUNATIC!" He yelled, now was the time for me to step in, "Look Beck just let it go, you never gunna be with Jade, she loves ME, you get that M E spells ME! not you, me!" I yelled as he got to his feet, he tried to punch me but Jade court his fist and started twisting it slowly, really slow until I heard a crack in his wrist go, he screamed in pain and ran to the nurses office, "Who's next!" She yelled, everyone scattered off so me and jade went to the toilets and chilled on our phones till I got a message from cat;

Tori! Jade broke Becks wrist and he's telling the whole class how he 'almost died' come quick xx

We sprinted over to our classroom and Jade stormed over to Beck, she got hold of his broken hand (which had crappy fabric tape around it) and shook it violently, he screeches and ran out once again, Jade chuckled to herself and took her seat.

The school day was over and the whole group, apart from beck, went to get Starbucks, we got drinks and decided to take a walk in the park, I didn't want to say anything to the guys but after hearing becks wrist click I felt really faint, the last I remembered was holding hands with Jade, then I collapsed to the floor and it all went black...


Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to post this I've had a lot of homework and we're picking GCSE Options in like a year, that may seem like a long time but when your like me, a 12 year old that feels like a 16 year old it tends to go quite quickly 😂 I hope your enjoying the book so far! Leave suggestions in the comments!! 💓

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