Chapter 13

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*one week after tori got discharged*

"C'mon Tori were gunna be late!" I yelled once more, she was hiding as she didn't want to go to school, "Your acting like a 5 year old!" I shouted, suddenly tori pounced on my back and we both fell over, "omg get in the car dumbass!" I said while laughing, we giggled all the way to school.

When at school we split to get our things from our lockers then met up at sikowitz's class, nothing much happened so let's skip so lunch,

We and tori joined our friends at our usual spot, "hey guys, where's beck" Tori asked, "oh he's in hospital", I laughed "good", we sat between cat and Andre and ate our salad and chatted, we had a free period after that so me cat, Robbie and tori went to karaoke dokee. Me and Tori decided to sing take a hint like we did about 3 months ago, we went to sign up and came back to Robbie and Cat drinking from a green liquid, "guys, what is this??" I asked in confusion, "oh it's green juice" cat said, "it's cucumber juice" Robbie corrected her, we laughed and chatted for a bit then it was finally our time to sing, all was going well until half way through the song tori got a call from someone, I motioned for her to leave it and we finished the song, as soon as we got if she ran outside and called the number, worried, I followed her, she ran back ending the call, "get in the car and drive to gets Jade please!!" I knew she was concerned to I ignored the fact she wanted to go my ex's, with me!

Once there we knocked on the door but there was know answer I slowly opened the door thanks to tori's bobby pin, we searched the place and finally I went into Becks Room, His mum was on the floor sobbing; I scanned the room and saw Beck, he was lifeless and pale, his eyes were open and bloodshot.

My vision went blurred and I couldn't stand anymore, I collapsed and felt my throat tightening and I grabbed my neck, I want having a panic attack, I've never had one as bad as this, I felt a hand on my back, Becks mum, she pulled me towards the wall and we sat there, in tears, suddenly there all a bloodcurdling scream, Tori ran over to beck and checked his pulse, please be alive, please! "H-he's gone" she whimpered and stood up, we followed her outside the house and called the ambulance, "you girls better get back" Becks mum said holding back her tears, after Beck went in the ambulance with his mum we locked up her house and went home.


There you go! So that happened, what do you guys want to happen, I have a pretty good idea but tell me you suggestions in the comments! 😘😘

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