Chapter 20

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*Jade's POV*

I got home and started to cook my dinner, without Tori by my side chopping the onions and my mum and dad away on a holiday with my Brother; I had an emptiness in my gut, like an abandoned house, needing to be filled with something, with someone, with Tori.

As I got the pasta bag out from the cupboard onto the table and placed some into a bowl then into the oven and sat down to watch some TV,

After eating the pasta, which was over cooked and slimy since I can't use an oven; Tori or my parents would always do it, i went upstairs up to my room and sat down to open the blade box , I named it when I was 11, that's when I started self harming because my parents would fight a lot and I watched my older cousin do it, she really built my personality, Layla is her name, for Christmas she would buy me weird little things, my favourite gift was on my 13th birthday she got me the Ouija board; but my parents burned it before I could play with it.

I got out a 4 inch think needle and stabbed it into my left arm, the blood bubbles popped out the pin prick holes as my arm turned red, next I moved onto some scissors, they were the pair cat got me as secret Santa last Christmas; I slowly followed the holes, connecting them like dot to dot puzzles, the blood was dropped onto my desk and carpet, I got up and walked over to the bathroom and washed of the blood, only to leave the deep gashed, I covered them quickly with a couple bandages and decided to go to sleep...

*next morning*

I got woke by Banging and screaming at the door, I ran down to open it and there she was, my beautiful angel, Tori.

"Jade, y-you were the closest p-person, that guy max-"

"Tori come inside, what's up?!" I brought her in at we sat on my sofa, "Max, the guy was chatting too, he trapped me in his house and, and I couldn't get out"

"What happened"

"He raped me Jade, I woke up and you were the closest person and before you say anything please just, let's be friends until I know if I'm uh, pregnant..."

"HE ACTUALLY RAPED YOU, OH MY FUCKING GOD, Stay here Tori, there are tests in my draw by the bed,"

"Why do yo-"

"Let's just say Beck liked to have fun"

I walked out and shut the door leaving Tori watching TV, I'm gunna get him if it's the last thing I fucking do.

Sorry for the short chapter AGAIN, I just wanted this to end of a cliff hanger! 💖

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