Chapter 21

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*15 Minutes later at Max's house*

I stepped up his drive and kicked the door, I heard a loud groan and a pounding down some stairs, the door creaked open, There he fucking was, in his boxers which were 2 sizes too small if you ask me, and his hair messy, as he breathed out his morning breath blew right into my face, it smelled like mouldy egg and tuna, delightful.

"Hey Max, Care to explain why you raped my, uh friend last night?!"

"Well, she broke up with you and she's hot and vulnerable, I mean look at her ti-"

"I would shut up if I were you"

"Why, you gunna throw that mop off your head to make your snakes turn me into stone Medusa"

Oh no he didn't, that it!

I knead him in the genitals and pushed him onto the ground, I kept kicking him in the stomach till blood coughed up out of his mouth, I bent down and slapped him a few times, then I realised what I did, stepping back I ran my fingers threw my hair, I have certainly threatened people before but I've never actually, fought anyone, I closed his door and sprinted into the street.

I casually walked into my house and saw the bathroom light on, I knocked on the door and Tori opened it, "now we wait," she sighed sitting on the edge of my bath,

"Hey," I said lifting her chin with my finger, "what ever happened, it's your body, you can decide whether or not to keep it, and if you want to keep it, if you are, pregnant, then I will help out, I promise" I finished as her lips connected to mine, "Is this my apology?" She smiled into my lips, "this and a promise that I would never ever try to hurt you, I love you Tori, and I will throw away all my knifes and needles, but not my scissors, they can stay"

"Apology accepted, now let's see what the test says,"

Hey guys sorry for another short chapter but I thought I would write a lot while I'm in the mood, so you don't have to wait another week for the next chapter 😆

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