Chapter 27

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*Tori's POV*

"Jadeee" I said pulling back as she kissed my neck, "we need to meet Cat and Andre remember?" I spoke and got up from under her, she groaned a bit then followed me through to our bedroom, she put her arms round my waist as she whispered into my ear "we could just say here you know, I'm sure they won't miss us..."

"I'll call cat and say your ill and I'm taking care of you" I said pulling away, "no" Jade snapped, "no, I'll tell them your ill," she said grabbing her phone from the table, "ok I'll gunna go get a drink" I pecked her on the cheek and headed downstairs; I went down to get some juice from the fridge since it's all we had in there at the moment and walked back upstairs, "hey, Cat said it's fine they were only gunna hang at Starbucks anyway" Jade said as I pushed open the door,

"Well then that gives us some alone time..." I grin, I put the juice box on her desk and ran up to Jade pushing her onto the bed, she giggled and placed her smooth lips on mine, she quickly turned over so she was on me and then rolled off "seriously, your gonna tease me like that?" I said slightly agitated, she laughed and nodded then left the bed to watch tv.

I decided on following her as I walked into the living room, Jade was there watching some episodes of this tv show we watch called dynasty "I don't get why you think the actress that plays fallon looks like me Tori, she has a completely different hair colour and style to me" Jade commented as I sat on her lap, "whatever you say Jade" I whispered cuddling into her neck, we stayed like that for awhile before I felt jade move under me, I slid of her and she stood up and walked upstairs, "where you going babe?" I asked following after her, "to bed, I'm kinda tired" I decided to follow her since I had a headache anyway and go to sleep.

So sorry I haven't been active on here recently guys, I've been having serious writers block 😅 but I'm gunna start rapping up this book as I can't see it going on much longer, sorry for the once again short chapter 🙃

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