Chapter 12

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*Jade's POV*

My life was over, the only person in this world keeping me alive may die, I ran over to tori and hugged her, "is there anyway we can know for sure?" I heard her mum ask,

"Well we can run a brain scan and if you do, well depending on the size we should be able to operate"

"Please run a brain scan, please!" Tori's mum whimpered out, the Doctor spoke to the other doctors and agreed to run a scan immediately, we got tori into a wheelchair and took her into a room full of machines, me and her parents waited anxiously, about ten minutes later the doctor came out and took us into a small room with tori already there, "your daughter has a very small tumour, we will be able to operate in about 3 hours if you would like that?" He asked, "Yes, yes! Of course, will it affect Tori in anyway after?"

"Well she has an 85% percent chance of survival and a 65% chance of walking, the tumours right by the part of the brain that supports the spine, so do you still want to go through with it?"

Her parents agreed, we went back into the room Tori was in and waited until they took her away, "Jade thank you for all the support but you should really go" her father said, yeah like I'm leaving my girlfriend on her death bed, that's what I would of said but I know they mean well,

"Yeah, I should, could you call me when it's done?"

"Yes dear, now, get some rest school tomorrow! Well, school starts in 5 hours!" She chuckled then stood up and hugged me, I left and got a taxi back since I came in the ambulance.

*The morning after*

"She's steady and we ALL will be leaving tomorrow afternoon if all goes well!"

"K thanks, bye!"

Tori's ok! I woke up about 5am, I only got 2 hours sleep but I didn't care, I wanted tori, I knew she would stress if she knew I was driving in the dark so I stayed at home, I paced my house until my dad came and asked what's up, I told him and he pulled me into a hug, wow, I didn't know how much I needed this, I broke down into the safe arms of my dad, he never liked the idea of me dating tori but he supported me still.

We parted and I made my way down stairs to the kitchen where my mother and the little brat I must call my brother was sitting, "hi" I said and made some toast then sat at the opposite side of the table, my brother was 7 so you would think he would get when to stop but no! His fat tubby little hands tried to take a slice of toast of my plate so I slapped his wrist, he cried and I got yelled at by my mum, I stormed off and went to the hospital.

"Jade!" I heard tori say as I pushed open the door into her room, she stood up and I walked over and hugged her, "so did they shave your head?" I laughed, "ha ha very funny, no, there a small scar behind my left ear I think..." she spun around and I saw a very small cut, it had about 10 stitches, not many compared to the pictures you see online of people with surgical staples in there head.

Me and tori chatted for a bit, I hadn't even noticed her parents weren't there but they just walked back in "Hello Jade, Tori will be going home tomorrow, couldn't you wait that long?" Tori's dad said laughing as he sat down on one of those wonky hospital chairs, "Oh shut up dad" Tori said placing a glare on him, her mum walked in soon after, she said hello and we talked for a bit, it was nearly time for school to I had to leave, "oh jade before you go, could you promise to not tell anyone, say I'm on holiday or some crap" Tori said a pecked my lips, "Bye Tori, love you!" I whispered just loud enough for parents to hear, what you think just because they said sorry I'd be fine with them, wow you don't know me at all then! Nope there gunna get there revenge, I know how annoyed they are with me and tori but they have to play along or it will but tori under stress, i was split from my thoughts by traffic on the motor way, I was in my car already?! Time flys.


Thanks for reading everyone!! I'm so happy I'm nearly at 2k already!! Thanks sooo much 💓👌🏻💓👌🏻💓👌🏻

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