Canada Day 7 05-22-17

110 11 0

A line from my journal
It reads as follows
"It was one of those
Semi-violent moments
You never realized
would be a memory"

That night by the campfire
We wrestled around
Two girls throwing punches
Neither aiming to harm
Just giggles and slaps
Sparks and flames

That was our summer
We traveled two countries
Canada and America
We did it all
We wrestled around a fire
"Covered in
and cuts"
We smelled like campfire and mud
And we certainly looked like we belonged to the earth
That was our summer
Two girls, a country and a muddy lawn  

So thank you for the memories
All the cuts and the burns
You make my heart happy
And you light my memories up
I'll never forget our summer
How can I?
It's burned in my mind and smeared across my journal
The ink
The fire
The laughter
I'll never forget
Our summer burned within me
And i hope it always will


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