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~Five months later~

Standing in front of the mirror side on, I could see the obvious enlargement of my stomach. It was weird, having something there. 

When they had announced the news of a royal baby, festivities and celebrations went on for weeks. I think they were still going. 

To be honest, I think wolves, witches and all supernatural creatures just liked to party, so hell someone could die and they would be mourning. Mourning obviously includes tons of alcohol, so bring on the three week mourning session. 

"Interrupting something?" Liam knocked on the door and I shook my head, motioning for him to come in.

Liam had stayed at la lune montante for most of my pregnancy. He had only come back a week ago with Scott, Beth and their baby girl Zoe. She was the sweetest little thing ever and I couldn't say no to those dimpled cheeks. 

Scott and I were back to normal, even though things were still awkward with Beth. Things would always be awkward with those two and me. 

So far, Camilla and Jessica had gotten pregnant. It was difficult for the death alpha to conceive children, since he was the death alpha. Trinity and Azrail were still trying. Apparently Kat and Tristan started using protection, even though Tristan's sperm would burn through rubber and birth control never worked well in a wolves' body. Their excuse was that they didn't want any kids running around just yet. Imagine how that conversation went with Damon. 

"Everything alright?" Liam finally asked and I looked up at him 

I smiled reassuringly, "Everything's fine." 

"So you won't freak out if Leon comes home today?" 

My eyes widened and I stood up, gripping tightly onto the chair, "Leon's home?" 

He nodded and I laughed happily, "He's right here." Leon stepped out from outside the door with a smirk and I motioned for him to come to me. 

"Baby." I smattered kisses over his face and he held me at arms length, "How are you?" 

"I'm fine." he looked down at my belly, "I should be asking you that." 

"I'm fine too." I looked him over, noticing the way he stood taller and straighter. Working out constantly for the past five or so months had definitely changed the way he looked. He was looking more like a general of an army. 

Comparing the twins, I could see the similarities. Even though Liam had stayed at the royal pack and moved between here and la lune montatne, he had worked out to distract himself from loosing Leon. Leon on the other hand had no choice and so he worked out constantly to supress his avenger.

Liam had the more lean figure, while Leon had taken after his general father, with his buffness. Liam had obviously taken after our mother and me. He had still managed to get muscle on his body, but not as much as Leon.

"Stop staring." Leon shifted uncomfortably on the spot and I brought him into a hug, squeezing him as tight as I could. He on the other hand held me gently, just like Damon would do on occasions, because he would be afraid that he would hurt the baby.

I let him go and sat back down, folding my legs under me, "What was it like?" 

Obviously this was a subject I was afraid to approach, because what if I said the wrong thing and triggered him all over again. I would rather a pissy Leon, than a psycho Leon. 

He thought it over and shook his head, "Intense." 

"Who oversaw you?" I asked

"Tristan did." Leon frowned, "But he was here most of the time, so his Beta was in charge of me." 

I sighed and leaned back into the pillows of the bed, "Leon, are you okay?"

"'Course I am." he spread his arms, "I feel better than I've ever felt before." 

"So you'll be fine if Scott and Beth are at dinner tonight?" I asked cautiously

His eyes darkened slightly, but he regained his composure, "I'll be fine. As long as the dinner isn't fancy." 

"It's just Damon's inner circle and us." I smiled, "Tommy, Karina, Scott and Beth'll be there too." 

"Great." he rolled his eyes, "We getta listen to bïtchy Beth bïtch." 

I pressed my lips together to hold my laughter in, "You'll ignore her, once you meet Zoe. She's an angel." 

"Speaking of the angel." Liam spoke up as Zoe toddled into the room, her mouth hanging slightly open and her bright eyes wide.

She had just started to learn how to walk and garbled pieces of language managed to come out of her cute little mouth everyday. 

Liam picked Zo up and brought her over to me, with Leon leaning over to wave hi to her. I looked up as I smelt Scott come closer. He didn't know Leon was here, so he was moving reasonably fast. 

I gripped onto Leon's wrist who looked at me with annoyance, "Let go. I'll be fine." 

"Where's my little girl?" Scott peeked around the door and Zoe clapped her hands together enthusiastically. 

He looked towards me with a smile and then his gaze moved to Leon. I held my breath expectantly and looking up I saw Damon doing the same. Although his way was done in a more Alpha King way. 


"Leon." I let loose the breath I had been holding and held Zoe close to me

Scott held his hands up, "Chill, not gonna kill you." Leon rolled his eyes 

"Good then I can do this." Scott pulled Leon into an embrace and Leon hugged him back just as tightly

"Okay no fair." I pouted, "You hug him tight, but you won't even give me a proper hug. Wow." 

They both turned to me, assessing me head to toe, "You're pregnant." 

"Yeah, can't really hurt the heir to the throne can we?" Scott kissed my head and I frowned at him

"Doesn't stop Damon." I muttered

"Doesn't stop what love?" Damon asked from the door with a smirk

I glared at him, "You're rough." 

"We'll he's the baby daddy." Scott shrugged, like it was the most logical explanation, "There's probably some rule allowing him to do that."

"Dinner's ready." Damon came over, to help me off the bed and Scott retrieved Zoe from my arms to pepper kisses over her sweet face

I held on to Damon's arm and waited for everyone to leave, "They did okay." 

"They'll be fine." he reassured, giving me a . kiss, "Don't worry so much." 

"Tell me that and I might think about neutering you." I shook a finger at him

"But then we could never have kids again." he grinned

He closed the door after us and we started walking down the stairs, "Then I guess I'd have to find another man." 

He pinched my hip making me hiss in pain so I hit in the chest, "Don't even think about another man." 

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