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We made our way to the gate of the underground with the book safe in my hands, thinking how to open it.

"What's the book by the way?" Javens asks hitting a rock.

"All about me I guess" I shrug until sth occurred on my mind and I stood stuck at my place.

"Wait a minute" I say thinking "Sidant said she was the Queen of witches, and witches know when their Queen is killed and my sister and her were or maybe are partners w/ch means....oh shit!"

"We killed the Queen of Witches" Javens smirk "I like you more, honey"

"Shut it stupid, Go to the dark I'll find Airis"


"Just go Javens, we don't have time, now run"

He disappeared just as I finished and start flying back to the old house where the doors were open and broken already.

She really is the darkness isn't she?...But what am I... Brightness!

I make my way to the castle I used to live in since childhood. The place w/ch was all flowers and happiness while now it's all dark and dried branches of the trees looking like cursed kingdom.

Oh how much I miss the before bright kingdom..

I make my way through the big gate which was gold coloured but now black and silver. I take off the hood and get ready for any attack, hanging the guards I found at my ways with just a hand wave without even a glance back.

I made my way to the old throne room if I'm correct. I've left this palace for almost 100 and nine years so I don't remember much but for all I remember the throne room was right next to the big balcony where Zelos and I used to be in.

"Bad memories" I heared the dark say inside if he is even the dark.

I snort, "You're always up to mock Me huh?"

"At back of you it's earth" he suggest and I fly missing the big rock, shattering it to pieces I throw it right throw his chest, eye, skull and both hands. "It's because I can only mock you"

"For real tell me your name"

"You'll know it soon when we open the book"

"Are you kidding," he shrug (I felt him) "what's the problem if you tell me, for Laughing out loud"

"They are inside"

"You sure?!"

"I always am trust me"

"Don't smirk bastard, it's easy finding where they are"

"Yeah yeah, whatever makes you sleep"

Gosh that smirk!!

Opening the door with a bang I see Airis tied with a silver chain holding him in place and Kalagona seated with her black gown smirking at me just as I got in seeing me in a slow motion starting from the table she was seeing.

"Oh hi sis" she say.

I go to her in a slow motion with a 'PST PST pst ' sound clicking my heels on the tile floor with arms crossed.

"Hey lil sis" I say seating on the couch beside her with a half evil smirk.

"Keep it cool" I heared the beast say from inside.

"Block my mind and every sense she could get in"

"I'm wise enough to do that before we got in"

"It would be good enough if you smash that smirk off"

Queen Of Darkness Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant