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  He was absolutely good and full of fun, am talking about Seragon. Am glad I've got someone like him cause if I hadn't I wouldn't he able to find the happiness of NY life again. He's like so cooky and teaser at the same time, good thing he know when am happy or not cause I wouldn't have asked for him to make me laugh and not angry or all.

We went high into the sky and good there for a while. It was beautiful to see all light and fires around my kingdom. My eyes shifts towards the completely opposite sight of mine.

The one called bright kingdom...should have been the opposite too. The trees has no leaves or whatsoever like flower and such. It was so dark and no light is seen from here, shouting is heared at time.

Smiling to my own self I see Seragon see to the top of where we are and follow his gaze.

"Wait a minute" he say.

"For wh- Whoah" my eyes turn to green then to red again. It has a daze feeling though I yen I heared him say that I can see now so I saw upwards to see the beautiful things ever.

The stars are shining so much with a hint of sparks around them doing a big circle shoe like the solar system. Tye colours are so epic just the eclipse. Shapes so different and unique.

"Beautiful" I say

"You could always see this as long as I am with you even from earth"
He speaks.

"What happens if you are no longer with me" I ask in curiosity.

"I don't know" he say. There's something I'm his voice, something I can't put hands on, I can't figure out.

I sigh and continue "guess it's going to be hard"

"Why, you love me already" he smirk.

"Keep wishing idiot"

"Someone is being a lover after all, abd the loved one is me. No marrying or having a bf after now you'll stay with me gor the whole lifetime

" Guess what" I ask staring at with a sheepish smile "You're a jerk"

And with that I fell down shouting a 'yahooo' and him following laughing.

The laugh isn't normal, it's deep and attractive made to melt your heart just as you hear it.

As we got out from the window we enter through the window slowly. Didn't realise we were too late. Falling on my bed a thud I sense Seragon entering me and being a part of me again.

Didn't waste even a second on sleeping.
At the morning the window slit opened to reveal the bright sun shining into my room lighting it. The rays of the sun reflect on my forehead and I got up dead to the bathroom. After taking shower for almost an hour doing nothing but letting the water flow down my body soothing me with the way it flows.

I go to the dinning hall where everybody is gathered and waiting for me. Talking with my friends and giving them hi on the mind link and ignoring Javens blabbering how he fucked the girl I sat on my seat after a light nod acknowledging everyone around.

Just like these days everyone goes chatting and laughing. My eyes involuntarily moved to where Airis sat and I saw how he is thinking so deep. Seconds later our eyes meet and I nod my head as he did the same. And both of us shift and start eating, couple if minutes later I sense someone staring and raise my eyes from my food to come eye to eye with him again.

With his eye he try saying sth I can't understand, just after few tries almost after he got pissed I excused my self and got up going up understanding he was calling me.

"What" I whisper yell turning around.

"How could you even know I got here?" He ask confused and amused.

"I don't really know but I just do" I say moving my head weirdly "Now what's with you calling me"

"I was thinking of maybe going to your village so you could get more in relationship and get in good terms with your people" he say.

"Thank you for your request but why pick that up now" I narrow my eyes.

"No, don't think it any other way" he defend "it's not the way you think. If you don't trust me I can come with you"

"How would that even help?"

"I thought you are afraid of me damaging this kingdom"

I snort, "try doing that"

"So what are you thinking"

"I'll think about it"

"Thank you"

"Why are you thanking me, idiot you are"

"Am not an idiot, stop calling me one"

"Oh whatever,"

I left him and start walking to the garden. Thinking about what he said...

Then as I got in to the garden I saw Kravan and smiled.

"Hey" I say

"Lav" he smile

"What's up, you seem worried"

"It's Liam"

Liam is there child, so handsome and strong. He is in the Wolf's kingdom ruling it now as a crown prince.

"What about him" I start "I miss him by the way, why don't he come here?"

"That's the thing, he wants to come"

"So why don't he"

"Things are not going OK there, and sometimes here too" he say and I nod "And you know how he is, so foolish. And stubborn"

"Oh please he isn't like that" I defend Liam, "Liam is the warrior we all know and besides you know that he is smart enough to control the Wolf kingdom"

"Yeah but-"

"You should trust him I guess, maybe he has something to..I don't know say or I just don't know but I don't think he'll come without a reason, now will he?"

"Yeah, I think not, he should come I guess"

"I know many things have been changing but hey, we're always together right?"

"Of course" he nod smiling
A/N: OK so not a late update even though it's not a fast one too. Thank you guys so much and know I really love you, not the love everyone gives you but the other special love, I swear. U don't know what you guys are doing by reading this stupid book, and sticking with my foolish self.

Anyway I love you so much don't forget to comment and vote specially the vote.😘
                                      Lov ya

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