28) Kravan

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Marvellous was my best word to describe the castle, the people and the decoration. Everything was going as planned and more, the high chandelier illuminate the light needed with the help of crystal ceiling. The floor made of marble and small glistering gold made it more beautiful than before. Colorful curtains and red rug filled the outside of the castle where we stood greeting the Queens, kings and Alphas of all wolfs.

Liam smiled at Xavi who was ogling at him, slowly realising she was still staring he smirk at her ogling at her himself. Her personality chided with the purple gown she wore, the little tiara crown on her head matched her silver high heels.

After talking with him with whisper voice for a plenty of seconds she went in greeting and waving at us, as for Xanter he only rolled his eyes at his sister who squealed as she saw her favourite black cookie chipped cake and ran to it.

It was a sight to see I admit.

It didn't last long before every guest were already in having their wine making a jock, talking laughing and all, it didn't last long though. The dark enveloped us and all took their seats.

Airis came in with his General teasing him, it looks like. Then he stood at the throne where the priest stood. Minutes later the door opened to welcome the gorgeous bride. With her red gown the show her curves well and a black crown at the top of her head she looked more than fascinating. Maids follow behind her her heads hung loan while everyone bow at the room.

She smile at us one by one abd blush when she saw her husband-to-be staring awed at her.

The vows were taken and bloods were shared and when they were about to kiss we alk heared a big noise and turned to see a strange thing.

At the middle of the room there was something shining forming, turning from white to pale blue. Everyone was standing at their fighting stance. Javens's orbs widening to black and hint of red. Xanter and Xavi ready to shift right away just like me and Liam.

We didn't want Lav's  wedding to turn into a mess but if to protect her we would do just more than killing and messing the castle.

Couple of minutes and still the thing got higher like shifting into human form. My wolf start screeching and smelling weird scents, her scent was filling my nose and my mind kept screaming to search for my dead wife. My heart hammered and tears threaten to escape.

"I saw this in my dreams last night" Liam say. "It isn't dangerous but am not sure"

His eyes twinkled on something, he was smiling unbelievably. I was shocked to see him like that but I focused on the strange creature, her scent got more and more.

"Why am I smelling, Kiran's blood?!" Javens asked.

"Am smelling her too" I say slowly.

Tears pour from Liam's eyes and he laugh crying. He looked so happy and emotional that I thought he was crazy.

Lavania was the first to gasp moving to the creature that was now totally a human but shaded with rays of bright light and all.

"Kira" Lav say tears fill her eyes, "Kira, is that you?!"

"What the fuck are you saying" I holler "There is no way she is back, she is dead Lav. Done go so close"

Lavania doesn't listen as she moves closer to the thing that has now made brainwash of the people around. Slowly but surely the creation was doing a great job on transferring to a women.

My eyes were lying to me and I knew it. But a heart wouldn't, or would it?!

There stands my dead wife, full of glory. With a pale blue dress and lime green covering her waist. She has a breathtaking smile and heartbreaking tears on her eyes ready to tear up any time. Everyone moves towards her smiling while I stood there shocked, mouth agar opened just like my eyes.

Hammering hard was my heart when she made her way to me our eyes connected. Tingles and spark filled me as she touches my arm.

"My dummy dude" she whisper.

I raise my hand too slow I heared Javens groan. Touching her and poking to know if she really is here, or dream it was. And when I was sure that she was there, that my wife is standing with me I send her near death again a bone crushing hug.

"You got a new mate?!" She asks looking at me straight into the eye.

I scowl at her, the best I could really do at the time. She smile knowing my answer, her eyes twinkle and she continue to whisper.

"I knew am the only one for you"

I couldn't replay that too, my focus was on hugging her as she would go away any moment. I wasn't sure if she really is here or it was a dream, a dream was she vanishes any moment now.

"Don't worry Krav, am here" she hug me back "I won't go anywhere now"

"How" I manage to ask.

"I'll tell you everything after the wedding, now let's wed our Queen. Shall we?!"

I nod simply, holding her hand tight as the maids rush to put the crown and royal ribbon on Kiran's head and shoulder. I still couldn't believe though, there was nothing that could make this possible unless she wasn't....dead.

"The wedding would be incomplete without me," she say loudly "Now that am Jere, what are we waiting for"

Some people laugh while others nod and to the wedding we moved.

Dinner was done and it was time for dance, everyone held their dance partners with a mask on their face and move in sync with the music. The throne was unoccupied except for me and Kiran.

She starts describing how the moon goddess wanted to test me, and it was best to test me with my life, my wife, my everything. As I was the Alpha king and everyone had acknowledged that before, the moon goddess still wanted to know how much am capable of.

"And there you are my love," she smile touching my cheek as I close my eyes "Winning her heart too"

"I was in hell" I say opening my eyes to her brown eyes "I couldn't live without you, I was about ending it."

"Shhh" she whisper "am not going anywhere now, not now, not ever"

"I know I didn't protect you that day" I start, tears threatening to escape "But I again promise that I will after now, with my whole life"

"You don't have to"

"I do"

I guess now the dark kingdom is bright again, with everyone happy and safe am glad that life was meant to be this way for us. And I think everything happens for good, it just takes time to realise that good.

The good in our life is always around us, we don't have to search for it as it is the most foolish thing to do, rather just get along with life.

The surroundings might be good or bad but what matters is you, how you react to it and the way of life you wish to live. Everything happens if it's meant to be and when it's meant to be it's always like always for goof and not the bad.
              ::      HE.  END.

A/N: Thank u beautiful people for still standing gor this yakky book and yet sherish me by voting, I will always love u guys again thank you and bye.

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