Character Information, Prologue, Warnings

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Name: Ishi Azusa



Concept/how it works:

Ishi was not born with hair like a normal person would be, she was born with snakes instead, her eyes paralyze and turn to stone anyone who looks into them just like the Gorgon and Medusa from greek myths. This works through mirrors as well excluding it from the traditional weakness, It cannot be turned off and is a constant. The quirk did not come from either of her parents and was a new one introduced to the world which of course excited scientists.


-She cannot look at anybody or else she turns them to stone which means she can't see because her eyes need to be covered.

-Constantly hears the snakes hissing and slithering.

-Requires high levels of hydration because Gorgon were originally based on water snakes and thus lived near or in water

-Cannot release a person from the stone imprisonment

Personality: slightly pessimistic while also being optimistic, loner, independent, has a hard time trusting people, very closed/puts up a lot of walls that are very hard to take down, traumatized by the fact her quirk effectively kills peope


Mother: deceased

Father:alive: estranged

Siblings: none

Numerous foster families: estranged


Ishi Azusa is between 4' 9" and 5' tall, what would have been hair was replaced by snakes in varying shades of blue, purple, and white(like on the cover). Her skin is pale with a purple sheen when it reflects in bright lights(not like the cover). Her eyes are always covered with white bandages that wrap around her head and eyes. Often times she is found wearing a greek toga like dress in either dark navy blue or eggplant purple. The snakes curl around and move about her head, sentient. Her eyes are slitted and are tinted a pale bluish purple color. She has dark blue snake scales in a dashed line pattern branching out from the space between her eyes and along her cheek bones(like in the picture below).

 She has dark blue snake scales in a dashed line pattern branching out from the space between her eyes and along her cheek bones(like in the picture below)

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Screaming. It filled the white halls of the maternity ward. A husband was sitting beside his wife's hospital bed as she screamed, hollered, and cursed her lungs out because of the sheer pain she was enduring. The husband just sat there whispering sweet nothings in her ear as a way to calm her down to the best of his ability. He waited with bated breath until the doctors cheered and his wife sighed out, ceasing her screaming. The doctors brought the newborn infant to the side and cut the umbilical cord then wiped the baby of any fluids and tissue it accumulated on its way out of the exhausted woman's body.

When they were done they wrapped the child and brought it over to the mother, she was shocked to say the least. When she looked at her supposed to be perfect child she was greeted with a bundle of snakes, she forced out a smile until the doctors left but once they did she let out a strangled cry and fell onto her husband her torso just slightly over her snake haired child. A snake or two were not excited to be smothered in such as way so the nipped at her hospital gown making her throw herself harshly against the back of the bed in surprise.

The woman took her hands away from her 'child' and brought them up to her face " what am I supposed to do with this!" she shouted, starting to cry.

"I don't know" her husband said from his new place at the other side of the room, he was terrified of snakes so any chance of him coming near her and what they dubbed to be 'cursed child' were very small.

The small snake girl started crying and trying to open her eyes in vain, they were slightly crusted and sealed closed. The new mother made no actions to assist her newborn and just started at it in disgust. "Isn't there some way we can just... I don't know...get rid of it" she refused to see the child as it was. It was just a child, a newborn who hadn't even seen the world yet.

The infant continued to struggle and try to wipe the gunk away from her eyes, she finally got just a bit out and continued until the bodily slime that held her eyes closed had been completely removed. Then she stopped whining and opened her eyes.

The lack of cries drew the attention of both distraught parents. The mother looked into the infant's eyes and disgust meshed with fear flowed onto her facial features. The babys blue-purple eyes were slitted just like the snakes that rested on her scalp. Within five seconds of gazing into the slitted eyes of the snake child the mother slowly became stone, starting with her eyes and moving up over her head then down her body all in the span of less than a second. You would almost think it happened all at once, one second she was looking at the baby the next she was stone. No longer alive.

Her husband screamed in horror drawing the attention of nearby doctors and nurses who ran in immediately to find a man cowering a corner, a woman sitting on the bed frozen and turned to stone, then an infant who was giggling and playing with the snakes that branched from her scalp on the stone woman's lap.

Warnings and descriptions/thoughts:

I do not own bnha in any way it is owned by Kohei Horikoshi (I think I spelled that right) all I own is my oc.

I won't own most of the media/pictures in here unless I specifically say that I drew it so yeah there's that.

I have a tendency to dislike cliches and exact copies of story lines so I will probably change things up a bit.

I don't know if I plan to really pair her in a loving relationship with anyone. I can rethink the pairing if people want me to.

I will probably put in ova chapters that will have the cliche's in them and it does have the original characters so it's not really an AU. Characters may be a bit OOC sorry about that I can't much help it

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