Chapter 17

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"Hey, Ishi" Tamaki whispered watching her and Hitoshi softly in their crumpled ball on the floor, he wanted to let them just stay like that, but he knew they would both be in for hell if he did, "I you really do need to go to the infirmary now". This grabbed her attention, he thought he heard her neck crack with the speed at which she whipped around in an attempt to glare at him; even though her eyes weren't able to look at him, he got the point.

"I know, I know you snuck out, you're not supposed to be here, you'll get in trouble, but he looks like he is going to pass out from dehydration and I'm pretty sure he has a concussion" The young hero in training never liked talking for too long, and if he did, he was sure Mirio would make some quip about him being replaced by an alien or being possessed by a much more talkative demon, but when he was with Ishi, talking seemed less like a chore, and more...natural, normal even. He knew she got his point when she stiffened and started whispering incoherently to the snakes swarmed around her.

"Okay" she replied softly, still rubbing the crying boy's back. "We need to leave this area now" she explained calmly her voice so faint Tamaki had to strain himself to hear the words from a mere 3 feet away, "We need to bring you to Recovery girl so she can take care of your pain, I heard the thud when you fell, it must of hurt" the boy heaved and gasped for air trying to slow down his crying enough to respond, "you've been crying for a long time too, I'm sure it must have felt like running a marathon and all you want now is to sleep, so, we are going to get you treated, and then you'll take a nap and I'll be there when you wake up if you need another hug, or someone to talk to okay?" the boy hummed in response and Tamaki assumed it was the best they were going to get out of him at the moment.

"Can you step back" he asked Ishi, "Please" he added at the last minute...habits. She nodded giving him space to activate his quirk to help carry the boy to the infirmary.

The distance wasn't far but to Ishi it felt like a century, she could only imagine the world of hurt she was going to be in when all the heroes learned that she had left her room where they specifically expected her to be. She was unable to muffle the groan that inevitably left her throat at the thought, her head leaning against Tamaki's arm as they walked down the hall.

A few passers by pointed at the odd sight of someone in a hoodie, a 3rd year holding a first year who had recently fought in the arena, that third year having a blush bright enough to light a room.

Finally they got to the infirmary, Ishi allowed Tamaki to walk in first, hiding behind his large billowing cape.

"Tamaki!" Recovery girl exclaimed in surprise, "What brings you here?" he froze, he hated talking, and more than that, he hated questions, even simple ones. Therefore Ishi took it as her time to step up to the plate, she peeked her head out from behind his cape ignoring the gasp of surprise that came from the small old woman.

"I uh..made a new friend, he needs a bit of attention" she answered quietly, Tamaki lifted Hitoshi's body up a little bit more with his tentacle as though offering a present, in hindsight, not the brightest idea.

"Oh dear" she whispered looking over Hitoshi, her eyes scanning from the tear marks that made their way through the soft dust over his face as well as the slight bruising on his neck. "Bring him over to the bed, and put him down, carefully" she put emphasis at the end, he wasted no time in following her orders watching as she went over to her desk and pulled out some medical supplies as well as her phone. "Ishi grab an IV bag from the cabinet over there, we need to get him hydrated before my quirk can do anything for him" she followed her instructions as well as the direction of her snakes to indicate where exactly 'over there' was.

"Is he going to be okay" she asked once he was situated on the bed with the needle in his arm, there was nothing they could do now but wait according to recovery girl, but Ishi didn't like to fee idle, she kept pacing around the room in anxiety.

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