Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:


His mind came up with the answer almost instantaneously so that's not what he was thinking while he stood there quiet and looking at her. No, he was thinking about the fact that she looked beautiful, not the traditional kind of beautiful made up in magazines to be things like 'slim but sexy' 'blonde hair over black' 'foundation, foundation, foundation', all of it propaganda to sell more products. No, no, no, she was beautiful in that tragic kind of way that he supposed all broken things usually were. Her skin was so white and shining that it might very well be made of sparkling pearl, her eyebrows were furrowed and mouth slightly downturned, one of her lips being bitten slightly by a pointed tooth. Her hands were shaking but not with cold, with an emotion he knew quite well. Fear. Not irrational fear, justified fear, the kind that came from experience, that you can only get from going through hell and coming back differently than when you entered. The kind of fear that is only felt by broken people. People a little bit like him.


She hesitated at the exit of the campus, she didn't want to leave her safe place. But she knew that Aizawa was hurt and she meant more to her than her own safety so she slowly took that single step that brought her from the U.A. campus to the rest of the world.

After that, she just listened closely to the voice coming from Hizashi's phone and her snakes that quickly returned to their longtime duty of making sure she didn't run into people or buildings. As well as covering the mouths of anyone who looked as though they might scream, preventing them from stopping Ishi in her mission.

The outside was louder than she remembered, years of cutting herself off from the things she feared made them all that more difficult to face. Maybe if she had faced them in moderation all this time she wouldn't be so afraid, it wouldn't be such a shock. She had no time to worry about what she should have done or what would have happened if she did something else. She had to push through the fear and pain with every step knowing it would get her closer to the hospital. To Aizawa.

"Right in 50 meters" the phone stated.

"Person on your left~"

"One behind you~"

"Light pole in front, move three steps to the right~"

Her snakes were so flawless in their instruction it was hard to believe they hadn't done it in several years. It didn't seem real. Her head started to hurt to constant instruction of not only her snakes (who hadn't been this talkative in roughtly five years) but also the calm but constant repeating of directions and the loud hum of motor vehicles and voices whispering and shouting all through the street. The stimulation was starting to affect her in full force.

"Your destination is on the left" she froze, she had to cross the street.

"Crosswalk in ten steps Ishi~" the snake on her left near her ear calmly explained drawing her out of herself. "Light is red, must wait~"

She waited, standing there, shaking, several snakes stemming out and staring people down as if daring them to react.

"Light is green, proceed~" it said.

"All cars stopped~" another confirmed.

"Ten stairs up~"

"Glass revolving door~"

"Help center straight forward~" all of them directed her, knowing that the direction device wouldn't work inside the building.

"Ishi, you have to talk to her, we can't do it for you~" they instructed. She froze yet again, she hadn't thought about having talking to anyone, she was scared.

It Struck A Heart String With Many (BNHA x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang