Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Aizawa slowly pulled himself from the sweet tantalizing clutches of unconsciousness. The television hanging from the wall across the room sounding like a droning mosquito with no actual substance. That is until his name was mentioned. He quickly sat up all attention being focused onto that one small screen, the back of his brain screaming at him for moving so quickly while it was still trying to repair itself from its previous beating.

"The other day, underground hero EraserHead, was severely injured in the attack at the Unforeseen Simulation Joint when the 1A class went for hero training. Villains flooded the area and did grievous damage upon EraserHead's body. However, the day was saved by the Symbol of Peace who heroically swooped in and fought one of the main villains in the attack forcing the villains to retreat while the rest were brought into custody" The first news reporter explained.
"However" The second butted in, "We received new information that may pique your interest even further. Last night a young girl was seen and heard at the Mustafa General Hospital asking the help desk personnel for EraserHead's room number. Upon being asked her relation to the injured hero she replied that he was her father! Later on, the R-rated hero Midnight was seen carrying the same girl out of the building before being picked up by 1B hero course homeroom teacher Vlad King. Is Eraserhead really the girl's father? Is Midnight her mother? How does Vlad fit into the picture? We will keep you updated on hero related news as we get new information, worry not we already have reporters headed to U.A. to ask these exact questions" the man on television seemed incredibly happy to be sharing so many details that had nothing to do with him.

 Nausea ran through Aizawa, this time however it had nothing to do the aches and pains that plagued his entire existence. People were messing with his family and it was revolting. His eyes flashed red, anger coursing through him before he slammed his eyes shut searing pain crashed over him in waves, he heart rate spiking and alerting nearby nurses who were assigned to the V.I.P section of the hospital.
"Sir, you need to avoid using your quirk for a while to allow the damage done to them to heal. If you try to use it now it could cause lasting damage" a nurse explained, forcing his back into the stiff hospital mattress, "Let me turn this off for you," he said clicking the button on the remote causing the TV to be enveloped in darkness. "Midnight called earlier and said that she would be over to bring you back to U.A. later so you can be watched by Recovery girl in a familiar environment, It should speed up the healing process" The male nurse continued to ramble on until he seemed to hit a lightbulb like he remembered something. "Is that girl really your daughter, I saw her come in the other day but she seemed so determined I didn't want to stop her"
Aizawa froze, honestly he was angry that the nurse was asking him stupid questions that were already pissing him off. but he was also confused because although he had been watching Ishi for several years he really had no idea what he was to her. Did she say that he was her dad just so she could get in to see him or does she genuinely see him as a father figure? If so, did that mean she was starting to get over the loss of her real parents and disastrous foster parents? Was she doing better? "U.A adopted her a while ago" he finally said, adding on no more details than what was strictly necessary.
"Oh," the nurse said, his mouth turning down is a slightly disappointed manner as though the answer wasn't quite as interesting or juicy as he thought that is was.
"Tell anyone and you will be fired" Aizawa threatened.
"Heroes aren't supposed to make threats" the man scolded.
"Nurses aren't supposed to break the patient confidentiality agreement" he retorted mercilessly.
"You got me there" the nurse was suddenly happy-go-lucky, "see ya later, press the button if ya need something," he said putting the small remote covered in hospital buttons right next to the Pro's elbow.

"YO! AIZAWA WAZZUP" he was woken abruptly as his best friend-slash-worst enemy walked through the door, his hair slapping against the top of the door frame.
"Get out you giant cockatoo" Aizawa grumbled,
"No can do my friend, Nemuri is waiting in the car, too much is going on with the press so I'm your prince today to carry you to the ball" Hizashi waited as the nurse unhooked all of the medical equipment and needles before slipping his arms underneath the full-grown man's legs and back, carrying him exactly like a princess. "Off we go"

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