Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Can't I just go back home please?" she asked, thoughts of Nemuri sweeping in to save her from Aizawa's clutches filling her mind.

"You came to class so you have to stay in class," he said, trying to act serious like a no-nonsense teacher but he also felt the situation was a bit laughable and that should Mic be here, he would find it quite funny.

"Fine," Ishi mumbled not feeling up to fighting him any more than she already had. "However..." she started, thinking of something that could ruin his whole plan. "If I remember correctly, all the seats should be filled, which means there's no place for me and I should go home," she said with all her cards on the table she wondered how he would react.

"There is a chair in the front corner, come up for introductions then take a seat" Aizawa replied unphased. Ishi, with no other choices slunk up to the front and stood by the podium. Her snakes had to guide her around some of the larger quirked students so she didn't run into anyone.

Once she stood, slightly slouching to relieve pain, in the front of the classroom Aizawa told her to introduce herself. "Hello," she began quietly, all of her earlier bravado gone now that she wasn't just speaking to Aizawa but rather a room full of people that she doesn't know at all. "My name is Azusa Ishi, I am not a student here but I live here, Nice to meet you" Ishi said bowing at the end.

"Anybody with questions can ask them while I take a nap" Aizawa said, laying down but not actually falling asleep in case Ishi needed him.

All hell broke loose the second he closed his eyes, all the students were accustomed to him sleeping like a rock the moment his head touched the sleeping bag so they weren't worried about waking him up.

"Are you EraserHead's daughter?" someone yelled.

"Why do you have bandages over your eyes?" another asked.

"WHAT'S A LITTLE SHIT WHO DOESN'T GO TO THIS SCHOOL DOING HERE!?" the explosive boy from the other day screamed.

"You're so cute! What school do you go to?"

"WHAT ARE YOUR MEASUR-" a boy's question was cut off mid-sentence by another classmate who shouted, "SHUT THE FUCK UP PURPLE HAIRED PERVERT" at him afterwards.

Ishi was indescribably overwhelmed. She started curling in on herself in fear and shock, not knowing what to do or how to react. Her snakes started sitting up and hissing as a self defense mechanism just as they had when Nemuri, Hizashi, and Aizawa first met her. A loud student started trying to quiet down the class, "LOOK! YOU'RE ALL SCARING HER, CEASE THIS NONSENSE AT ONCE!" but his cries went unacknowledged by his fellow classmates.

While Aizawa had meant to stay awake in case of catastrophe, Recovery Girl's treatments were taking their toll at the worst time possible.

"WHOA WHOA WHOA! What's going on here, seems like a party to me!" a blonde haired student waltzed into the room with no care that it was not his class and he shouldn't be interrupting. All he saw through the hallway window was a girl who seemed to be experiencing an interrogation at the behest of her peers. As a future hero he couldn't stand for this, especially when said girl was the one he had followed all the way to Eraserhead's hospital room just the other day.

Mirio Togata was one of the schools top hero candidates and so he stepped in to the be shield in front of the girl while his friends, mostly Nejire Hado, smuggled the poor girl out behind him. Whatever EraserHead had planned with this encounter, it was not going well.

Tamaki did not want to get in the middle of any of this so instead he waited outside and called the front office. When they picked up he asked for Midnight since he remembered that she knew the girl and could help.

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