Omake #2, And then they were Quarantined

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"Hurry up you two or we'll miss the movie!" Nejire called from her place by the theatre door, hands on hips and pout on her mouth as Tamaki and Ishi walked at what Mirio liked to describe as 'If a snail had been glued to the floor and tried to move anyway', neither of them found much humour in it as much as Mirio laughed till he fell on the floor every time it came up.

"The movie doesn't start for 45 minutes" Tamaki groaned glaring at her lightly.

"And, the theatre isn't open for another 15 minutes" Ishi added quietly to back him up. He looked down at her and smiled.

He blinked and then she wasn't there, a coughing sound irritated his eardrums causing him to look behind him to where Ishi had stumbled back a bit, her hand on a coughing mans arm seeming to steady the both of them. "I'm sorry" he mumbled before running off, fear in his eyes as more than one blue and white snake stared him down.

"It's okay" she whispered before standing upright and jogging a few steps to catch up with him, her fingers grasping around his long flowing sleeves. Together they walked the last few paces to stand with Mirio and Nejire outside the building with a few dozen other movie-goers, all of which stared at the little band of highschool students.

Ishi could feel all of their stares, she tried to rationalize it as a product of going out with hero interns, but that would be lying. She knew they were staring at her. Why else would Nejire and Mirio be standing in front of her like a sheild, why else would her snakes be stiff and standing on end. She was starting to get used to it, she tried to remind herself. It happened with Mirio dragged them to a cafe last week, and when Nejire brought her to the aquarium the week before. But Ishi was sure she would never really get used to it. Maybe, she should stop going outside all together, it was safer that way and she didn't feel out of place.

She was dragged out of her lonely thoughts by Tamaki's hand on her own, it's comforting warmth reminding her why she was here, to listen to a movie, and be with her friends because they wanted to be here and she wanted to be with them. "The doors are open now, Mirio is going to get us all tickets and Nejire wants to know what you want for candy." Ishi tilted her head up at his voice and her ears twitched, she thought about it for a moment before replying, "Gummy worms".

Ishi didn't know what she was walking into when she took a step into the theatre, the temperature going down and whispering echoing around her. Nejire lead her by the hand jumping excitedly, "This has got to be one of the best movies coming out this year!" she whisper shouted ecstatically.

"Thats only because you have the brain of a child" Tamaki replied sarcastically before looking away in shame at fake tear that came from Nejire's eye.

"Now now we all know Godzilla would have been so much better" Mirio said putting a hand on his two best friends shoulders, "just think it's got cool animals, and Ishi's got cool animals!" he reasoned.

"Yeah, but can you understand the movie without seeing it?" Nejire countered haughtily knowing she had already won the argument. Mirio deflated before mumbling "no, not really" into his shoulder.

They were surrounded by children as the title sequence began, The Secret Life of Pets 2.

"That was really funny" Ishi giggled, covering her mouth politely.

"What was that bunny thinking! You can't have a tiger for a pet! Silly bunny" Nejire chortled her shoulders heaving as she gasped for breath between fits of laughter. The boys stood behind them holding leftover popcorn and the five bags of gummy worms that Nejire had gotten 'because Ishi is perfect and she deserves them'. Tamaki and Mirio on the other hand, had had to make do with just popcorn and a soda that Nejire declared they had to share.

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