Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"It must be like a cruel punch in the face to her, every time she tries to forget her power she gets reminded just from her name, I will see you soon Aizawa" the mentioned man turned back to the waiting car and started toward it.


When they got to the large "H" shaped school, the entrance was filled by various hero staff. With Nezu sitting on the masculine shoulder of Vlad King. They watched as a girl with various cool shades snakes on her head stepped out of a U.A. car, her right had was engulfed by Midnights larger one with Present Mic on the left. Eraserhead, also known as Aizawa Shouta, lazily climbed out behind them.

Nezu jumped off of Sekijiro's shoulder and onto the ground walking toward her. "Hello!" he shouted, he watched interestedly as she flinched. She snakes surrounding her were split between hissing at her and pointedly glaring at him. "Ah yes, I appologise dear Ishi, I hear that my friends would like for you to live with us" he had toned down his voice so as not to scare her this time.

"A..H..yea...h" she mumbled.

"We are delighted to have you with us" she nodded.

"Than..ks" he lifted his small paw up to her wrist waving off Present Mic and taking his place. He led her through the gate and onto campus with the hero procession following right behind them. He walked under the glass bridges between the tower-like buildings and to the other side of the hero school. They ended up at a large buildng which was being rapid fire described to her via her snakes.



"Many windows~"

"Much rooms~"

"Many people~"

"Dog mouse~"


"No cars~"

"Heroes, lots of heroes~"


"Two bathrooms~"

"Bottom floor kitchens~"

"Upper floors bedrooms~"

And so on, the heroes were very confused and admittedly quite annoyed by the constant hissing. They all concluded that if they had such a power they would likely be unable to stand it.

"Do they always do that?" thirteen asks intensely curious. "," she replies slowly. "OH! SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND THEM!" Present Mic shouts. She flinches quickly before bending down with her forehead to her knees and hands over her ears. Everyone glares at Yamada causing him to shrink back and apologize "Sorry Ishi-chan"

They hear muffled sobs coming from the small girl. Aizawa decides to skip all the parade and bring her to the empty room on the second floor which they had decided over text would be hers. Yamada had grabbed every scrap of her limited things that were in the hole-in-the-wall shelter. Aizawa held her close to his chest on the way there, Midnight walked beside him with her hand on the girls back rubbing it slowly in a calming manner and placing the girls small stuffed animal on her curled legs. Nezu opened the door for them to walk in, the procession stopped in front of her bed where Sekijiro pulled back the blankets and Aizawa laid her down.

All of the heroes stepped back and looked at her traumatized self wondering what exactly in her life could have caused something such as her living on her own at such a young age, how exactly she survived, and why she has reactions to things like she does. They had a good idea for the first question, the second was more elusive and the third was a probably a mixture of mystery and assumption.

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