Chapter 2

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The officer arrived at the scene along with three of the U.A teachers. They were completely shocked. It was a scene of absolute destruction, acid covered the street devouring every solid object it could get its hands on, a few civilians were crying, burns of their legs, hands, feet, or clothes. And in the middle of it all was a statue and a girl. The girl was crying, tears running down her face, snot leaking from her nose. She had blood running from her suspended feet, knees, and upper arms. Snakes surrounded her form, all of them hissing at her, but not in a dangerous way, but in a way that made it seem like they were talking to her, calming her. But it didn't work she was just crying and hysterical.


The officer called an ambulance for the citizens and the fire department to get the girl free of the statues grasp. While they waited the for the personnel the heroes just watched as the snake ice colored snakes took dirty and slightly burnt bandages from the street floor and wrapped it around her head, effectively hiding her eyes from the world.

When the fire department arrived they brought a helicopter which spread limestone powder over the area, using the base in the limestone to neutralize the acid into water and salt therefore rendering it harmless. The the hero's walked across the salt water to the snake girl. All of the snakes stood on edge pointed towards the possible danger, jaws open, and fangs dripping poison.

The R-rated hero Midnight tried using her quirks sleeping properties to calm the snakes but it didn't work, no the snakes were even more hostile if that was possible.

"We didn't come to hurt you!" Present Mic screamed, the girl winced at his volume through her ears causing one of the snakes to extend and try to nip his face. One of the heroes noticed the correlation.

"We came to get her out, we just want to help her so we can treat the burns from the acid, if we don't do it soon something bad could happen" Eraserhead explained to them, they relaxed a bit when they heard that the heroes were there to help their beloved host rather than hurt her. The snakes retreated back to her and allowed the heroes to come forward with the aid of the firemen to break the statues arms and hands to release the girl. When they did so the girl screamed and cried harder than she had beforehand causing the snakes to begin hissing at her again. Several of the blue, purple, and white snakes would nuzzle against her or wipe away her tears.

Whenever someone tried to touch the girls bandages the snakes would snap at them making it impossible. When the girl had been freed from her stone captor Eraserhead grabbed her, one had on her mid back and the other under her legs. He brought her directly to the waiting ambulance and with it recovery girl, who had come right over when Midnight called and explained the situation. Recovery girl kissed the young girl healing the worst of her injuries but leaving a few blister like scars. The girl still hadn't stopped crying so they put a shock blanket over her to comfort her and hopefully calm her enough that she could talk and call off her snakes.

Speaking of the snakes, Eraserhead noticed one extending itself and slithering across the concrete away from its host. He told Midnight and Mic to watch the girl then he followed the midnight blue snake down the street, to the left, a right, then another left and half way down that alley. Then it nudged a small box over just enough that it's head could slide through. He as it did whatever it was doing behind the box. The snake slithered back out with a small stuffed animal wrapped in its body, the size making it shift the box even further away from the wall and since the snake was on a mission it didn't bother to push the box back into its place. The snake didn't see Eraserhead and turns returning to it's host. Eraserhead quickly calls Mic and tells him to be on the lookout for the snake that just left him.

It Struck A Heart String With Many (BNHA x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن