Chapter 10

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 Midnight coddled and lovingly "shushed" Ishi for a while until the small girl stopped panicking. The Big Three of U.A. didn't exactly know what to do so they opted for awkwardly standing at the side of the room until they were told what to do.

"You three need to go home before it gets too late" Nemuri whispered quietly, her mom like tone still in action making Nejire want to laugh. Imagine, the R-Rated hero famous for her sexual comments and innuendo's telling them to go home and treating them like the children they actually were.

"Yes, mam" Tamaki answered for the three of them, sending a meaningful look at his friends.

It took a lot of time and effort to get the less obedient teenagers to leave. But eventually they were all gone and the room just had two pro heroes and a small girl, one of the heroes was injured and by this point once again unconscious from the pain and effort he used trying to free himself not too long ago, the other hero was holding a young sleeping teenager.

Nemuri stood up and put Ishi back into the chair, shuffling across the floor she grabbed a notebook and pencil to leave Aizawa a note.


I'm bringing Ishi home

see you tomorrow


Then the female pro hero picked up her pseudo daughter, Mic's phone, and her own things before beginning the long quest back to the U.A. apartments.

She very quickly gave up her pride and called the school asking for someone to come and pick them up since she was already tired and although she loved Ishi from the bottom of her heart, the snakes added a bit to her weight.

All Might wanted to come but he was still in the hospital. Mic did not have his phone, and Nezu wasn't exactly big enough to be able to drive. This left the already irritated Vlad King to come to their aid. His car was large and drew more attention to them than they really wanted but when they were in the warmth and comfort of the car all that seemed to fade away in Nemuri's eyes.

Vlad carried Ishi up to her room allowing Nemuri to retrieve a much-needed cup of tea and sit down in the yoga studio to calm herself before joining Ishi in bed. Sure there were papers that needed grading but with everything that had gone on today she was betting on tomorrow being canceled. She might lose the bet and be screwed tomorrow but she figured that she knew Nezu enough to be sure.

When the hot tea entered her body she instantly felt all of the days stress melt away. A mix of Yoga poses and tea enabled her to feel just like she had before anything that happened today happened.

Vlad didn't know when Nemuri was going to be up so he just sat next to Ishi on the bed. It creaked a little under his large body mass but didn't break, of course, it was accustomed to holding three people and not just two. He just watched, his eyes softening in affection that had accumulated over the years he had known her.

His first impression upon Ishi being brought to U.A. was that she didn't belong and should not be there. He kept up with this thought process for a while, through all of her night terrors, crying fits, teaching sessions, and so much more. It was when Aizawa and Nemuri started being with her that she started to become more relaxed. It was the relaxed her that finally broke through his tough shell, the transformation from traumatized child to a young girl who smiles, laughs, and loves to learn. The girl is sassy and sarcastic at times, not afraid to tell someone to go suck it, he loved it about her, she could be the queen of pranks at any given time. It was beautiful, he felt like he was a father too, even though he had no direct relation to this change he still felt it.

When Nemuri climbed up the stairs and opened the door to Ishi's room the last thing she expected to see was Vlad King asleep on the bed next to her. She shrugged her shoulders, running quickly to her room so she could get changed and then returning and taking up her rightful place on the other side of the bed.

"HAVE YOU SEEN THIS!" Mic screeched throwing his tablet into Nemuri's stomach. She rolled over growling at the loud disturbance. " But look at this it's important"

Her blurry eyes barely registered what she was seeing, she stared at it for a full five agonizing minutes before she could actually process what she was seeing. There, on the front page of more than one magazine was a picture of Ishi at the hospital help counter, the title of the article largely proclaimed "ERASERHEAD HAS A HIDDEN CHILD!" with smaller text giving details of how a young girl entered the hospital asking for Aizawa Shouta also known as EraserHead. When asked her relation to the pro hero she replied that he was her dad. There was an uproar in the comments, speculation as to who the parent was. Some people said that the mother was someone from his U.A. days, others said it was Nemuri herself with an attached picture of them getting picked up by Vlad the night before. That only brought on more questions, what was the connection between Aizawa, Nemuri, Vlad, and the young girl who had yet to be named. All Nemuri could think was that Aizawa was going to be pissed. 

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