Nina Enya Barnes

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Real Name: Nina Enya Barnes

Nickname: Nin (Bucky)

Alias: Enya Smith.

Hydra Name: Pyro.

Avenger Name: Phoenix (Eventually)

Species: Human (Enhanced)

Citizenship: American

Soviet (briefly)

Gender: Female

Age: 101 (biologically 30)

Date of Birth: March 10, 1917


HYDRA (formerly, brainwashed)

Avengers (Currently)

Loki Laufeyson/Odinson - Asgardian Royal Family (Eventually)

Portrayed by: Rachelle Lefevre

Portrayed by: Rachelle Lefevre

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Nina Enya Barnes is the twin sister of James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes and the best friend of Steve Rogers, since childhood.

Nina suffered greatly at the loss of her twin brother, even going so far as to continuously state that he wasn't dead, to the point she was sectioned in a Asylum. (This would later, many, many, years later be proven to be true)

Little is known about how Nina came into the hands of Hydra as there are no files, she has no memory and no one else is alive that was involved. It is believed that Hydra kidnapped her, possibly from the Asylum, to torment a captured and injured Bucky.

Nina was then brainwashed, having all remnants of her former life wiped from her mind, and trained alongside Bucky and the others in the Winter Soldier programme. Whilst Bucky became the Winter Soldier and went on to become an assassin, Nina was taken and experimented on, repeatedly, and suffered horrendous abuse at the hands of her captors.

It's unknown how specifically she came about her powers, but one of Hydra's experiments granted her with fire based powers. They then set her up to work. She became known as Pyro. Hydra's most dangerous and uncontrollable asset. All that was usually left in her wake was ash.

Because of her powers Hydra couldn't freeze her like they did Bucky. Instead they sent Nina into a chemically induced hibernation, with similar results to cryo. Keeping her in a state of suspended animation until they had use of her.

After Bucky's memories started to return to him and he fled Hydra, their hold on Pyro tightened, knowing he would eventually come for her. They systematically continued to wipe her memories and experiment on her for a further three years before Bucky and Steve managed to find and rescue her with the help of the other Avengers.

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