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The next few weeks Nina doesn't leave medical, but they do uncuff her. They set her up in one of the private rooms away from prying eyes, Nina spends most of her time in the corner of the room, eyes on the door, alarmed, alert, she knows this isn't Hydra, she knows and it both bothers her and doesn't. The man with the metal arm makes her feel. Feel comfortable. Feel familiar. She just feels around him. And something niggles, at the back of her head trying to push through. She glances up as the door opens and Bucky walks in with a tray on his arm, this he does everyday. He walks to the dresser across the room.

"Have you slept any?" He asks setting the tray of food down looking to the half full one from the night before, she doesn't each much, barely anything at all. She favours softer flavours, nothing too strong, he remembers that feeling. He sighs a little and turns away. Bucky bounces a little as he drops onto her bed, swapped out from a medical one three days ago for 'comfort', it's nothing special, but it's better then anything Hydra would have ever given her. "Wanda's itching to see you" he admits watching her. "Not many girls around for her to talk to" her eyes stick to him as he talks. "I think she's just miffed cause we won't let her dress you" she frowns a little, he shakes his head and then shrugs. "You'll get it eventually" he sighs a little and closes his eyes. Comfortable and happy enough just to linger in her room.

"Bucky" she states, he nods.

"Yep" he pops the p. "That's my name" She's been doing that a lot the last few days, saying their names, like she's testing them on her tongue, testing them in her mind, reminding herself, reminding herself which of them is which, he knows she's confused a lot of the time, Bruce tells him that it takes her a while in their sessions before she even talks at all. She cocks her head.

"James" she counters and he snaps his head to her, his eyes widening slightly.

"Who told you that?" he asks, she frowns at him but says nothing. "Now you're not going to talk?" he asks climbing off the bed and approaching her, he also notes that the closer he gets to her the hotter it gets. It's a defence. He knows this. She's defending herself. He stops when he starts to feel uncomfortable. "Did Steve tell you that name?" he asks her, hope blooming in his chest, he knows Bruce and Sam have been working with her, using Shruri's techniques and notes to try and get some of Nina back but Bucky's memories were already on their way back when he arrived in Wakanda. He doesn't stay for those sessions. He can't. He's terrified of the results.

"James" she repeats watching him. He nods a little.

"Yeah" he whispers looking into her eyes. "Yeah, that's me, Nina" he assures her but she is silent, the temperature drops, comfortable and he lets out a breath before nodding. He knows that's it, she's had enough, can see it in the twitch in her jaw. "Eat something" he whispers. "And try and sleep" he wants to reach out and touch her, but he won't. He sighs. "Please" he adds and turns away, grabs the old tray from the dresser and walks towards the door.

"I used to wrap your hands before your fights" he pauses hearing her voice, his hand on the door handle. His heart beating rapidly in his chest. "I'd use one of Steve's charcoals and I'd write..."

"JBB" he whispers as she states the same thing.

"Across one of your knuckles" she continues. "And on the other side...."

"NEB" He states, their initials, so that even in a fight, even in the boxing ring, she was with him. Right there with him. He turns to her as she stands from her corner. She remembered. She remembered something that's all that matters, even something so ridiculously small, she remembers.

"I went to all of them" she adds, he nods. "I don't..." she takes a breath and looks away. "I don't remember everything" she admits. "It's just that thing and...it took some thinking to remember all of that. Dr. Banner says it...progress" he nods. "But I know you" he nods again. "And Steve....I just...everything is muddled and I don't understand a lot of what's happening to me" he nods and takes a breath.

"It will get better" he assures her. "It does get easier" she glances to him.

"I just want to go back" she admits, he shakes his head. "They know how to look after me"

"You can't go back to Hydra" he argues. "Nin..." she looks away, a tear sliding down her cheek. "The things they did to you, to me...to everyone else they hurt....it wasn't right, it was...." he sighs and shakes his head. "Just....sleep and eat" he repeats and looks to her. "Okay?" she glances to him. "I'll come back later..." he promises and then flees, leaves her alone. Nina moves to the tray of food and looks over each and every single piece. A part of her still thinks they are going to poison her. A part of her wonders when the questions will come. The interrogation. The torture. The pain. It always does. At least with Hydra she knew what she was dealing with. She picks up a grape and turns it around in her fingers moving back to her corner with it before sinking down. 

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