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Nina sits looking at herself in the mirror in front of her. She's been at the facility for three months now. Not long after her introduction they'd given her her own room. Within Bucky and Steve's wing, but still. They don't trust her enough to have her own space, her room is right next to Bucky's in case she needs him. She sighs a little at her reflection. Slowly the colour has been returning to her face, her body filling out slightly with the introduction of actual food in her diet, though she doesn't eat much, she eats more then she did at Hydra. Wanda shifts behind her, the young woman has been insufferably there in Nina's life, her 'friend', Nina isn't 100% sure yet.

"Try this one" Wanda tells Nina handing her a different coloured lipstick, Wanda has made it her personal mission to educate Nina on the world of modern cosmetics and clothing. Natasha is more about practicality which for missions is fine, but Nina is an exceptionally attractive woman and needs to show that Hydra didn't destroy that. Nina glances down at the lipstick and twists the bottom to raise the inner stick before drawing it onto her lips. She already knows she's not going to like it. Make up isn't her thing, and she doesn't feel like it wasn't her thing way back when either. And she's right, she doesn't like it, she shakes her head and Wanda nods in agreement. "Yeah, no" Wanda tells her and then rummages through her own collection, nail varnish bottles clicking together as she pushes past them, seeking out lip gloss this time, Nina eyes herself in the mirror, the dark red on her lips stark against her pale skin, she doesn't like it. "Maybe we can go out soon" Wanda offers. "You know to the store so you can find your own stuff" Wanda watches as Nina removes the lip stick and then glances back at her.

"I doubt I'd be allowed to leave" Nina argues.

"You're not a prisoner, Nina" Wanda counters. "You're recovering....and one day you'll be...functional" Wanda offers a kind smile. That's something Nina quickly learnt about Wanda, out of all of them, Wanda was the one that jumped on another second chance member, she's been the first to welcome Bucky too. Nina looks away and shakes her head.

"Functional" she repeats unbelievingly. Wanda stands from Nina's bed and moves towards her.

"Here" Wanda holds out a nude lip gloss. "It doesn't feel like it now" Nina takes the gloss. "But it will get better" Nina looks to her. "You have people around you that like you, that care about you, that want to help you....I know that I am only here because I am damn persistent" Nina smiles a little and looks down. "Maybe let the others in too. They're good people...." Wanda adds. Nina takes a breath.

"Yeah" she whispers in acceptance.

"Can you cook?" Wanda asks, Nina shakes her head. "Alright, well...how about me and you cook everyone dinner for when they get back?" Nina turns on her seat.

"But I can't cook" She argues.

"But I can" Wanda counters. "You chop, I cook" Nina nods a little.

"Thank you" she whispers looking down. "I don't deserve..."

"Yes, you do" Wanda snaps quickly, cutting off Nina. "What they did to you....it's their fault, not yours. You are allowed to mend and recover and have a life after that. I moved on" Wanda offers. "Bucky moved on...."

"You were with Hydra?" Nina asks, Wanda nods.

"They gave me these" Wanda holds up her hand and lets her powers rolling around her hands. "I just...Got out before they could..."

"Take your memories?" Nina asks, Wanda nods. "I'm glad they didn't" Nina offers softly. "To have everything you are taken from you.....I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy" Wanda smiles and nods in thanks, she knows Nina is growing, the last few months she's been here they've all seen her change. Mostly around Steve and Bucky, Nina is still unsure around the rest of them. Understandable. But she is getting there. Wanda is just the first to see it, to be let in. She is persistent. And practically followed Nina around till the older woman gave in and let Wanda help her with her wardrobe. They are now somewhat friends. Somewhat because Wanda knows Nina is still recovering.


Bucky leans in the kitchen doorway watching Nina cut up vegetables for dinner, she also keep sneaking chunks of carrot to eat herself. He's silent, just seeing her this relaxed, there is no angry, on edge, alert line of her body. She shift slightly twirling the knife in her hand with all the flourish Hydra taught her before going back to using those skills to cut up food.

"Stop lingering" she mumbles and Bucky chuckles a little pushing himself off of the door to approach her. Of course she knew he was there, it would have been more surprising if she didn't, her training should have kicked in before he even entered the room, but this is progress, she didn't shift, she didn't stiffen on his entrance she just carried on. He's proud of her. "When did you get back?" she asks.

"Minutes ago" he answers moving to her side, he steals a slice of pepper and turns his back to the counter. "What are you doing?" he asks.

"What does it look like?" she glances to him, shooting him a look. "Wanda wanted to cook for the team....She's gone to look for some herb or spice or...something" she waves the knife a little. "Left me on prep work" Bucky grabs a knife and starts spinning it around, Nina raises an eyebrow knowing he's trying to show off that he's just as good with a blade, he smirks at her, she snaps her hand out and grabs his wrist, twisting his hold and steals the knife from him. He raises an eyebrow back at her before he tries to steal the knife back from her, it switches hands multiple times before it goes ignored on the counter, and they just lightly play fight, hands moving quick, expertly, both are trained to the extreme. She manages to slap him around the head, Bucky stares at her a moment before laughing, she smirks and chuckles back.

"Still trying to outdo each other" Steve teases behind them, Nina and Bucky both look to him and Tony in the doorway.

"It's a sibling thing" Bucky argues back.

"We were supposed to be finished before you got back" Nina complains slightly.

"Yeah, we did get back earlier then we thought" Steve offers. "But we could all use a shower and change.....and a debriefing" Bucky hums in agreement and then kisses Nina's head.

"An hour" he promises her. "Two tops" she nods and continues to cook as he and Steve leave the room with Tony. Wanda hurries back in and bounces her way towards the counter.

"I found it" Wanda offers moving to set a cooking dish on the counter. "Right at the back, it's not very often someone actually cooks, we're kind of lazy really" Nina glances to her, Wanda offers a smile. Nina's lips twitch slightly in a half smile, an almost there smile. Almost.


Bucky hums happily around his food as he eats, sat between Nina and Wanda, Steve on Nina's other side, the other Avengers all sat together, silently eating, it's good. And nothing beats a home made meal after a mission, it's just been so long since anyone felt up to cooking that having one waiting for them is a breath of fresh air. A thick, spicy beef stew that warms bones and then they will all crash. 

Rise of the Phoenix (L. Laufey/Odinson)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora