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Loki wakes alone, once he realises that he is he sits up alarmed but he relaxes when he sees Nina sat in front of the fire, her eyes locked to it, almost hypnotised by it. Loki climbs from the bed and takes a few steps towards her.

"Did you sleep at all?" Loki asks her, she nods.

"An hour or two" she answers without looking away from the fire. She moves slightly, the flames following her, Loki mover closer to her.

"Have you always been able to do that?" he asks her, she looks up at him. "The fire stuff?" he elaborates, she shakes her head looking back to the flame.

"No....." she admits and reaches out for the fire, setting her hand straight into it, Loki hurries towards her and grabs her arm, but he stops as he watches nothing happen to her. "Fire is my friend" she whispers, Loki looks to her face. "They did this to me" she admits.

"Hydra?" he asks, she nods and pulls her hand back from the flames and rubs her fingers together, Loki moves his hand to her hand and pulls it closer to look over her unmarked skin. His fingers moving over the flesh checking. She watches his fingers moving before she looks to his face. Someone knocks at the door. Loki pulls his hand back and stands. "Enter" he states loud enough for whoever it is to hear him, the heavy door opens and a Jotun enters, his eyes locking onto Loki's figure.

"Býleistr seeks your council" the Jotun tells Loki who touches Nina's shoulder. A comforting gesture between lovers. "Your....wife is to join Frilawia and the other wives" Loki glances to Nina who nods softly.

"Very well; wait outside whilst we dress" the Jotun glance to Nina before leaving the room. Loki turns back to Nina as she stands. "This is a test" he warns her.

"I am aware" she points out shooting him a look. "I am a trained spy, I can do this" he snorts.

"These aren't the humans you are used to"

"Really?" she asks him dryly. "I hadn't noticed" he shoots her a look.

"Don't get smart" he warns stepping back towards her. "These women will seek to trip you up" he adds. "They are Býleistr most trusted advisors, his wives.....you need to be careful" she sighs and looks away with a nods.

"How many wives does he have anyway?" she asks, Loki snorts.

"Five" he answers. "You've seen Frilawia already, and they all have their strengths....Býleistr has surrounded himself with women of purpose and they are all more then capable...." she nods a little, he touches her arm. "Let's find you some clothes" he offers, she turns to him.


Loki groans resting his head back against the door behind him. Býleistr though asked for his council took every opportunity to mock and belittle him in front of the court, and if Loki wasn't here fighting for his life then he would have acted, but if he attacked Býleistr, then the rest of the Jotun would attack and Loki is only one man, even if Nina could help, she is but one woman, human too.

"Long day?" Loki jerks a little surprised, he opens his eyes to find Nina sat on the end of the bed, she's wearing traditional Jotun clothing, made and adjusted during the day just for her, that's what the wives had wanted with her, they were far more welcoming then Loki had told her they would be, the only issue was Frilawia.

"What are you wearing?" he whispers pushing himself up off the door, she looks down at her dress and then stands, letting it fully settle around her. It's long but there is very little in the way of material, just enough to cover everything that needs to be covered, her stomach covered in criss cross strips of fabric and the skirt is sheer and revealing.

"The wives gave it to me" she answers running her hand down the skirt, beaded and decorated to catch what little sun Jotunheim gets. They've even braided native flowers into her red hair, making the flowers stand out more, the whites and blues stark contrast to the blazing red. His eyes linger, they do because she looks.....beautiful, despite the scars littering her figure. He moves towards her, she lifts her chin trying to keep herself standing tall.

"You'll freeze" he scolds slightly, she rolls her eyes.

"I run hot" she reminds him holding out her arms to the side slightly. "It's just a dress" she shakes her head and moves to walk away, trying not to show that she actually feels a little disappointed that he doesn't like it. She spent the day gushing about her 'husband' with the other wives, making it believable, maybe too much so. Maybe she's too confused. Loki grabs her wrist to stop her. He sighs.

"I apologise" he offers. "You look beautiful" she looks to him. "You truly do" he gives her a smile.

"How was your day with.....Býleistr?" she cringes at how much she butchers the name, Loki smirks though.

"Býleistr" he corrects softly, she nods and shrugs. "Unfortunately he has no regard for keeping secrets, and gave away a lot of his plans" she moves to the bathroom off the side. "Despite his desire to constantly put me down.....he did find time to talk strategy and policy" Nina pulls her dress up over her head leaving her bare as she moves to the pile of clothing, gifted from the wives, set beside the stone bath. She touches the soft cotton nightgown and then pulls it on. Loki looks up as she leaves the bathroom and he finds himself staring, the nightgown is almost sheer, almost too much. She looks away from him.

"It's all I have to wear" she points out, he nods and looks away, caught out. "The wives made them for me" she adds touching the fabric. "Apparently they rather like having a new mortal pet to spoil" Loki smirks and chuckles.

"You are a novelty to them" he agrees. "Most of the Jotun will have not seen a mortal since the viking ages, Býleistr's wives are mostly younger and probably have never seen one before"

"What happens now?" she asks him, he falls silent a moment before nodding.

"Tomorrow there will be a ceremony formerly starting the campaign for the throne" he offers finding his leather trousers extremely fascinating as she moves towards him. "It'll be a heavy breakfast" he looks to her as she sits at his side. "And then we'll be travelling"

"Where?" she asks.

"All throne applicants must travel the realm to talk to the people they will be ruling...."

"The people that hate you?" she counters, he nods.

"The people that hate me" he agrees. "You might have your work cut out for you if you are here to defend me" he whispers, she nods in agreement.

"But I'll do it" she assures him. "This is my first...." she sighs. "My first good guy mission" she admits, he turns to her, pulling his leg up onto the bed. "If I can't do this...." he strokes her chin before lifting it slightly.

"You can do this" he offers. "You, little human mortal, are sat in Utgardin Jaalinna, the Jotun palace, I doubt any of the others would have made it this far"

"You don't know that" she argues.

"I do" he counters. "None of the others would have even bothered"

"They seemed to be very vocal" she agrees. "Against me doing this....Bucky..."

"That is different" he interrupts. "I am sure your brother argued because he loves you, not necessarily because he hates me" she smiles a little and nods in his hand. "Tomorrow I need you to stay close to me" he whispers. "No wandering off....the temperature in the palace may seem cold but it is nothing compared to the wilds out there, especially when the storms hit, and they may use the storms to attack....." he strokes her chin slightly. "Are you armed?" he asks her.

"I don't need weapons" she answers lifting her eyes to his. "I am the weapon...." he nods in agreement then hums a little. "They will come for us" She adds. "My brother and yours" Loki nods a little, he wants to believe her. But Thor is king now, he won't risk open war, not even for Loki. And the other humans aren't adapted for Jotuneheim. It's going to be down to the two of them, that he knows. 

Rise of the Phoenix (L. Laufey/Odinson)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon