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Loki wakes before the sun rises to noise at his side. Nina. He turns seeking her out. She's freezing, that's the first thing he notices, she's actually shivering, her skin taking on a bluer shade, she's shifted away from him in the night and now sleeps closer to the tent wall, which is probably why she's cold. He reaches out and touches her shoulder, curling his fingers in slightly.

"Nina" he whispers trying to wake her. In an instant she is looming over him with a knife pressed to his throat. His mistake to touch her whilst she was in the throws of a nightmare, he knows this, her eyes are feral and dark, her hair wild and untamed. Despite the situation she looks beautiful. She breathes heavily as she tries to gauge her surroundings. Her hand shakes before she pulls it back, the knife letting up from his throat. He brushes the tears from her cheek and waits for her to calm. He's no stranger to nightmares so he knows it can take a few moments, or longer, to draw out of them. She looks away from him first, her whole body shaking, he grabs her wrist to stop her from fleeing. She sniffles but doesn't fight him on it. He tugs slightly and she gives, resting against his chest. He pries the knife from her fingers and slides it back under her pillow before he encourages her closer to him. She nuzzles into his chest and he wraps his arms tight around her, letting her take comfort in him. He doesn't say anything, he knows it doesn't always help, she just need to know that she's safe....or as safe as she can be considering the situation and their location. His fingers stroke through her hair. "You're freezing" he whispers as she shivers, he pulls the blankets tighter around them and lets his magic wash over her. "Why aren't your powers working?" he muses, she shrugs against him.

"It's never happened before" she grumbles.

"You need to eat more" he comments and rolls her into the space next to him, she huffs a little, he sits up and reaches for a back across the tent and pulls it closer. "Here" he pulls out a small pouch bag from inside and hands it to her. She frowns at him. "It's food" he assures her, she takes it from him. "You're too weak for your powers to work effectively" he scolds as she opens the pouch. Inside are pieces of some form of jerky, she lifts her eyes to his. "Don't think about it" he offers. "Just eat it" she pulls a piece out as she sits up.

"I don't get it" she points out. "Hydra basically starved me and this never happened before" he brushes her hair back and nods to the jerky, she rolls her eyes and pulls it between her teeth.

"Eat all of it" he motions to the pouch and then lays back down next to her.

"How much longer do we have to travel for?" she asks, Loki stares up at the top of the tent.

"There are only one village left" he answers. "And then the...Hunt" he mumbles, Nina's eyes and hair appear in his line of sight over him.

"The what?" she asks him raising an eyebrow.

"The Hunt" Loki answers. "It's part of the whole contest for the throne" he glances to her. "Are you eating?" she rolls her eyes.

"Yes, I am eating" she assures him. "Tell me about this hunt thing..."

"I didn't know about it until three days ago" he assures her sitting up again. "Edaywen told me, I don't think Býleistr would have until it was happening" she shoots him a look. "It's a competition" he admits. "Those that are in the running for the throne have to go out on a three day solo hunt" he adds, she stares at him.

"Solo?" she asks. "Meaning alone?" he nods. "No" she argues. He sighs.

"This is why I didn't tell you" he grumbles. "It's not something I can back out of" he tells her. "If I do, then I forfeit the throne and our safety" she sighs. "I can manage whatever it is, that's not what I am worried about"

"It's me" she understands. "Me being left alone for three days with Býleistr's supporters and his mother"

"Yes" he agrees. "I know Edaywen will look out for you but there is only so much she can do before it becomes treason against the throne" he sighs. "Not to mention the cold" he adds. "You've been feeling it worse the last few days...."

"I can manage" she assures him. "Maybe some extra blankets...." he watches her, worry in his eyes. "I'll be fine" she whispers turning a piece of jerky around in her fingers. They both fall silent, both thinking about the prospect of spending three days away from one another, both loosing that comfort and support. He leans forward letting his forehead press against hers, she closes her eyes.


Býleistr pushes his spoon around a bowl of porridge like food that sits in his lap, he's distracted. His mother sits at his side pulling a cloak around her shoulders. She finds her son's attention taken by a certain red headed mortal girl, her lips curl in distaste.

"Stop worrying" she scolds. "She'll be dead soon enough" his mother adds. Býleistr turns to her.

"No" he argues. "I want her" Býleistr admits.

"There are many other choices" she starts, he glares at her. "More appropriate choices"

"But I want her" he argues turning back to watch Nina as she finds a seat around the fire.

"Concentrate on winning the Hunt" his mother scolds opening the book in front of her. "I shall work on the mortal girl" Býleistr nods and glares across the fire at Loki as he drapes a thick fur cloak around Nina's shoulders. She smiles up at Loki as he sits at her side leaning closer to her. Býleistr grits his teeth together, his fingers curling into his palm.

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