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Loki cringes as he twists slightly, after arriving back he'd retreated to his and Nina's tent. His side is killing him, even if he knows it is going to heal soon enough, it's going to hurt until then. He groans and curls his arm around himself as he sits down onto their blankets. She's added more since he left, obviously feeling the cold air more without him there. Nina touches his shoulder and he sighs looking at her as she kneels beside him.

"Let me see" she scolds slightly, Loki shakes his head. He doesn't want to involve her in this. He can look after himself. He doesn't need her help. The two of them staring at one another, waiting for the other to back down first. But he's tired, and weak, and hurt. So he caves. He sighs and nods pulling his hand away from his side to show his wound, she cringes slightly seeing the dried blood on his armor, plus the new hole in it. "Take it off" she scolds tugging on the armor, he shoots her a look. "Now" she adds shooting him a look. He sighs knowing that she's as stubborn as he is, so she's not going to let up on this. And maybe might actually just burn it off if he doesn't do as he's told. He cringes as he tries to pull off his armor. "Let me" She whispers shuffling closer to help him, Loki closes his eyes and lets her do it herself. He ignores the way her fingers feel brushing over him. Warm. She's always so warm. He subconsciously leans into her as she pulls his jacket from his shoulders. "Lay down" she pushes at his shoulder, he huffs and lays back onto the blankets and lets out a breath.

"I will heal" he argues as she rummages in his bag for something to use. "Back pocket," he tells her, she pulls her hands back and turns the bag to open the back pocket.

"This one?" she asks as she pulls out a small salve jar, he nods and places his arm over his eyes as she unscrews the top. He takes a breath as her fingers touch his skin and then she prods at it.

"Ow," he complains.

"Sorry" she whispers, he lowers his arm and watches as she concentrates on cleansing his wound. Her fingers warm on his stomach and ribs. She gently applies the salves before pressing a bandage over the wound before pulling back. Loki sits up and checks the bandage before lifting his eyes to watch her as she puts away, what is basically, his first aid kit. She closes the bag and takes a breath before turning back to him.

"Thank you," he tells her warmly, sincerely, it's been a long time since someone has looked after him with such soft hands. He brushes her hair back from her face, his fingers lacing through the locks as he shifts closer to her. Her eyes search his, something softer in them now, something....longing. He shifts a little before he is kissing her softly. This is different from all the others. This isn't for appearances. There is no one watching them. This is for them. But it doesn't last...She pushes him away from her. Her eyes are wide. Loki pushes himself up and touches his lips, his eyes on hers. Both of them just....staring. Emotions flickering through the two of them before she stands and flees the tent. Loki knew the rules. She told him...that night back in Utgardin Jaalinna she warned him they'd be no sexual acts of any nature. And he is pretty sure she meant kissing outside of the act. Loki traces his lips with his finger. That felt different. Better. Warmer. He pushed the line though. His ally....his friend, and he'd crossed a line. He sighs and grabs a clean tunic from his back before pulling it on.


Loki glances around camp for Nina. A cloak is thrown over her arm because she forgot to pick one up before she fled. He takes a breath finding her. She stands, shivering away, at the edge of the camp, her arms wrapped around herself, she'd fled the tent without a cloak or blanket to keep her warm. Loki sighs softly and approaches her. He drapes her cloak around her when he reaches her, she glances back slightly.

"I'm sorry," he tells her softly moving to her side. "I don't know why.....I did that" she nods a little and then takes a breath before she turns to him. He frowns in question at her before she leans up and kisses him this time. He smiles and kisses her back, his arm around her waist as she wraps her own around his neck. Now she's doing this, it's so much better than his stolen one moments earlier. Both of them letting hidden emotions, hidden feelings escape through this kiss. He smiles, genuinely smiles against her lips before he pulls back and looks down at her. She gives him a smile back, but he can see the nerves and unease in her eyes. He doesn't know all her history but he can guess, he knows the stories about Hydra from Thor, he knows how bad they were and how little they cared about having humanity.

"I'm sorry too" she whispers. "I shouldn't have reacted like that....it's just...it's been a long time since someone....kissed me like that" she admits, he strokes her cheek and then leans closer, but leaves the last few inches for her. She has to take the lead because he knows she needs to control this. But she does kiss him, closing the distance to press herself against him. He rubs his hand down her back as his lips move softly against hers. From the shadows, Gonseyt stands watching the two of them, a smirk on her lips, knowing that they should enjoy this moment whilst it lasts. She had all her hopes on her son winning that hunt, but he didn't, he's not even back yet, but when he returns, she'll put her plan into motion. One that gets rid of that little runt for good, by taking away the thing he loves most. Nina.

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