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Loki brushes his fingers through Nina's hair as she sleeps, he's still in too much pain to do so himself. But he will take it, to hold her this close, warm against his side. This is as intimate as they have been. Her letting him hold her as she sleeps. Even when he comforted her after her nightmare, once calmed she left his side and slept away from him. Now, she is sleeping in his arms, and after their....emotional expression things had shifted between them. She allowed him closer. Let him in. She sighs a little, her nose brushing against his neck, he closes his eyes and feels it. He's not a snuggler. He never has been before. But there is something about her being close to him. He loves it. He loves her. He nuzzles into her hair and pulls her closer. He supposes it is all about the right person. Who would have thought his right person was on Midgard? Among those people. The Avengers. He would have joined them months ago instead of procrastinating on Asgard. More jobs to do. More duty. Instead he could have been this close to her earlier. She shivers slightly in her sleep and he looks down at her before tucking the fur blanket tighter around her. Despite her powers, the cold is bothering her. And she still expects the others to come, they won't...they would not survive the climate. Their escape may be on them. And if it kills him....he will get her home.


They are on the move again almost as soon as Býleistr returned, barely any time for him to recover before they were all mounted and carriaged up and on the road. Nina is once again riding with Loki. Both of them quiet as they move with the group of Jotun. His arm feels different around her, he is no longer simply holding her up on the horse, there is something intimate about his hold, the weight of his hand on her stomach. The press of his chest to her back, the slight puff of breath when he looks down at her. She's never felt so....close to another being. It's an act of intimacy she doesn't understand. An act of intimacy she has never been witness to. Something has changed between them. Whatever occurred between them the night before has changed them both. Changed what they are. She honestly doesn't know how to feel about that. Everything Hydra did to her, does she even deserve to feel these things any more? Does she deserve to find some form of comfort in the arms of a man that cares deeply for her? Of any man even? Loki's fingers press against the fabric of her dress.

"I can hear you thinking" he whispers in her ear, breath fanning across the side of her face. "You've been quiet" he points out. "Is is about last night?" he asks her, his eyes flickering down to her face, seeking a reaction. "Do you regret it?" she turns her head to look at him now, her eyebrows pulled in slightly.

"Do you?" she counters, he lets out a small breath and then shakes his head.

"No" he assures her. "It was...unexpected but...not entirely unwelcome" she rolls her eyes a little and looks forward again. "If you want....we can forget it happened" he offers quietly. "Go back to having a....professional relationship" he grits out through his teeth. She takes a breath and turns her head to him, her lips meeting his. Loki is surprised for only a moment before he smiles against her lips, his fingers cool against her cheek as he kisses her back.

"I'm not very good at this" she whispers against his lips. "Hydra..." she starts and swallows slightly. Loki brushes his fingers under her hood and gives her a sad smile.

"Cannot hold you any more...." he tells her. "You cannot let them. You are free, Nina...allowing those people to still affect you so allows them to win..." She turns her head away slightly. "Do not let them" he whispers against her cheek before he kisses the skin and pulls back, she leans into his chest. More comfortable with whatever this is, with him.


Later, the convoy stops, the snow whipping around them, the wind howling through the trees. Nina is freezing, shivering against Loki's chest. Edwayen and Loki share a look, she nods back to a carriage behind them, it's best to get Nina out of the wind. Because this is just the beginning of the storm. Her powers are only just effective with the normal weather, but they can all feel this storm is going to be a bad one. Loki pulls the horse to a stop and then jumps down from the horse, Nina's frown following him, he reaches back up and helps her down.

"What's going on?" she asks him when he sets her back on her feet, he tugs her cloak closer to her, wrapping her up in it. Loki leads Nina back from the horse and towards the back of the carriage.

"There is a snow storm coming and whilst they are built for it...." he turns to Nina. "You are not" he whispers, his concern and worry shining through, he's allowing her to see more, allowing her to see how he feels. He holds out his hand to her. "Nina" he hurries along, she sighs and sets her own hand into his, his fingers curling around her hand before he pulls her up into the back of the carriage, he pulls the door shut, shielding them both from the storm. He presses his hand to the side and concentrates on letting his magic weave into the wood, al outside sound drops out, the wind silencing. Nina lets out a breath and sits on the small pile of blankets there. Loki kneels in front of her. "I cannot be seen to be cowering" he whispers to her, brushing her hair back from her face. "I do hate to leave you alone though"

"I know you have to" she counters. "I'll be fine" she assures him. "It's just till the storm passes" he nods and leans closer brushing his lips over hers. He hums against her lips and then pulls back.

"I will get Edwayen to check on you in a bit"

"I don't need a babysitter" she scolds and shake her head. Loki smirks a little and strokes her cheek.

"When this is over...and we are back in Utgardin Jaalinn, I will work out a way to get you home" he assures her, she gives him a look and he nods, he knows. He knows she's here to bring him back to Thor, and she will do it. They will have to work together to leave this place in one piece. "To get us both back" he corrects himself. "Wrap up" he scolds her as he motions to the blankets around her. "Use the stones....where are they?" Nina holds up a small pouch, Loki nods. 

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