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Loki pulls Nina's cloak around her as they reach the huge wooden doors leading out of the palace. They're both dressed for the weather and the travel, no dress for Nina, instead, riding boots, breeches, and a thick shirt and cloak. Loki's armor is thick enough for him to wear and to protect himself. His hands shake slightly as he does because he is actually afraid. She watches him, his eyes locked on the task at hand. He hasn't slept, he barely ate. He just keeps psyching himself out over all of this. It's not just his life on the line now, it's hers and these people aren't playing around. If he fails, they will both be killed, and if he doesn't they might be killed regardless. Too much good guy in him now. She stops him, hands on his arms. She nudges his nose with her own. A little more affection then reasonable maybe. But they're being watched. Words have to be controlled and well thought through. A small sign of affection is logical. He closes his eyes and brushes his lips over hers. They're going to be okay. They have to be.


Out in the snow, Loki helps Nina up onto the horse, they're going to have to share a mount, which means for a long, uncomfortable ride for them both, riding a horse alone is tedious for any length of time but with someone else......he makes sure she's secure, she nods back at him assuring him she's fine before he pulls himself up behind her, sitting with his chest to her back, he brings his arm under his back to settle the tail of his jacket before he reaches around, his hand holding the reins as his other wraps around her waist letting her lean back into his chest.

"Wouldn't it better if I were sat behind you?" she whispers, he shakes his head. "I could watch your back..."

"I have no doubt you could" he comments. "But what sort of husband allows his wife to suffer the freezing winds of Jotunheim on her back?" he teases weakly. "Play the part" he breathes against her ear, just loud enough for her to hear, and looking like lovers whispers to anyone watching them. "No doubt both our instincts will know when something is coming"

"Can't I just kill them already and then we can go home?" she grumbles, he smirks a little and looks in her eyes, she's not joking.

"You think you can take them?" he asks her.

"Easily" she mumbles with a smug smirk.

"And how would we get out of here once they were dead?" he asks her.

"Just got back through the portal I came through" she points out, her eyes drifting around looking to see who's watching them. Loki frowns, looking forward, his jaw tight. Portal. He'd completely forgotten about the portal she'd come through. He's pulled from his thoughts as Býleistr rounds them on his own horse the Jotun horses bigger, bulkier, hairier, bred for the cold climate. He glances to Nina, watches her for moments too long, Loki grows uncomfortable and pulls her closer shooting his.....brother a look to back off.

"I hope out landscape isn't too difficult for you" Býleistr offers Nina who smiles politely.

"It's beautiful" Nina assures him. "Reminds me of winter back home" Býleistr smiles at her and then pulls his horse to the front where his wives are waiting for him in their 'carriage'.

"He wasn't being nice" Loki points out, she snorts.

"As if I didn't know that" she comments elbowing him slightly. "Kill them with kindness" she adds. "You ever heard that saying?" she asks him, he shakes his head.

"No" he answers. "Kill them with knives...I have heard that one" he teases, she smirks and shakes her head.


By night, Nina is actually cold, the temperature at night on Jotunheim is lower than anything possible on Earth and turns out her powers have a limit after all. Loki sighs a little, concerned. They've been laying in their 'tent' if it can be called that, it's thick fur covered leather that sits in the snow in a round yurt shape, but for a Midgardian, powers or not, it's not exactly thermal.

"Come here" Loki whispers touching her arm. "Come away from the wall...." she turns to face him and lets him pull her closer, his arms wrapping around her, the brush of his magic over her skin.

"Thought I'd be okay with the cold" she mumbles, he nods.

"If this was Midgard, you would be, but it's not...." he strokes her back. "And it is the night...the temperature drops significantly" there is another wave of his magic and she sighs at the feeling. "My magic should keep you warm for the night" he whispers, his lips brushing against the crown of her head. "And we're lucky this is Jotunheim's summer"

"This is the summer?" she asks lifting her head slightly, he nods.

"Winter temperature drops tenfold" he informs her. A howl pierces through the night, echoing and shaking. She snaps her head around, fear coursing through her, Loki chuckles softly. "It's just the wind" he assures her. "It's blowing through the mountains" she sets her head against his chest. "The things out there that will eat you won't risk coming in close to the campfire" she punches at his chest a little.

"I was trying not to think about that" she mumbles, he looks down at her and smiles softly.

"Go to sleep" he whispers holding her close to him, she sighs out against him. "And....thank you"


"For being here" he answers her, she pauses slightly and then shrugs against him, he takes a deep breath, breathing her in, letting the warmth of her powers seep into him.

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