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Laila's POV

"But he's not Muslim? That can be solved. Dr. Alexander Romano has plans to become Dr. Alexander Rahman Romano because he's looking into... he's looking into converting!" Maryam quickly blurts out.

I didn't dare to look at Dr. Romano, I don't think I can handle anymore of this. I know Maryam might've just saved my face but what is this going to start?

Maryam's mothers eyes are filling up with tears as everything settles in. "That's not what I was going to say. I don't mind what his religion is as long as he loves her but why didn't anyone tell me my daughter is engaged sooner?"

We are interrupted by Ayesha and her fiancé.

"Dr. Romano! Dr. Roberts! I'm so glad you made it." Dr. Kareem greets them. He turns to Faiza auntie to introduce the two men. "This is Dr. James Roberts. He's one of the most well-known doctors in the field of psychology. This man is a pure genius in his field."

He points at Dr. Romano, a bit confused about why I'm holding his hand. I try to shake off Dr. Romano's hand but he doesn't budge. "This is Dr. Alexander Romano, my boss, chief physician at my hospital, the  greatest surgeon of neurology and cardiology in the country. Also, probably holds a record for being such a successful surgeon at such a young age." He beams proudly.

Faiza auntie's jaw drops. Honestly, if it was possible, her jaw would probably be touching the floor right now. It looks like as if someone slapped her right in the face. All night she was bragging about her son-in-law to an annoying extent. And now that a woman, besides her daughter, is successful and has an equally successful, if not more successful, fiancé, she loses her mind.

If I wasn't losing my own sanity this very second, I might've enjoyed the crumbling of Faiza auntie's ego as much as Maryam is.

The look on Maryam's face is priceless. Her beaming smile screams satisfaction from how Faiza auntie reacted to this. She's smiling so hard that I know her cheeks must hurt by now.

"Wait, did I interrupt something?" Dr. Kareem looks at us confused.

"Yes, apparently Alex and Laila are engaged." James says.

"Oh my God! That's wonderful news! I'm so happy for you, Laila!" Ayesha gives me a hug and I try to not act too stiff. "Congratulations to you too, Dr. Romano."

"Thank you." His voice is calm.

What? Why does he sound so calm?

I look up at him and he's already looking at me. This is when my heart drops, the look in his eyes. They're only saying one thing, now you're really mine.

• • •

"MARYAM! WHAT DID YOU DO! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!" I have never raised my voice before but today I felt emotions I never felt before.

Maryam looks at me in shock, almost flabbergasted that this is my voice.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have yelled at you. You really saved my reputation back there. I'm sorry." I sigh.

"I hate that you're apologizing for this. It's making me feel 10x more guilty. But that was the only idea that popped up in my head to save you." She gives me a long hug. "What did that snake of an auntie see you and Dr. Romano doing?"

"Nothing... he came a little too close to me and freaked out because he thought I was trying to find a husband there." I tell her as truthfully as I can.

Maryam smirks. "My God, he's really smitten with you."

I don't agree with it but I don't deny it either.

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