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A/N: if you guys want the YouTube and Spotify links to Forbidden Desire's playlist, it's in my Wattpad bio! I'm going to link this story's playlist on there soon too! 🖤

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Laila's POV

Alex's eyes are now dark. His hand is clenched into a fist and his jaw is twitching from anger.

"There is no one else... Alex, please, you're hurting me!" His grip on my wrist only gets tighter.

His shift from sweet to scary is almost instant. It's as if there's a trigger or switch in his mind that once you click it, the change is instantaneous.

He twists my arm behind my back, making me squeal in pain. "I fucking married you so we could do this your way yet you're still resisting me. What else could be the reason?" 

There he goes again, making me scared out of my mind of him. Fear has found me again. It's making my legs go weak, it's making my stomach stumble and my heart is aching painfully.

"Alex, please stop this... it hurts, please." I can barely get the words out as the pain increases. Tears threaten to fall from my eyes.

Suddenly, his phone rings and he lets go of me. I try to sooth my aching wrist by massaging it.

"What is it?" He spews angrily at the person on the other end.

"I'll be there in 20 minutes." He says and hangs up.

I unknowingly stare into the nothing, my blurry vision trying to adjust.

He grabs my face and turns it towards the bed."Take a good look at that bed. That's the bed you'll use to satisfy my needs. That's the bed I'll fuck you on whether you want me or not." His tone is entirely menacing and sinister.

He turns my face towards his. "Take a good look at my face. This is the face that is going to bring your fucking nightmares into reality. This is the face that will have you begging the devil to take you. This is the face you'll have to lay beside in fear for as long as I want."

Colour drains from my face, I'm sure I'm as white as a sheet of paper. My body goes rigid, I'm glued to the spot I'm standing in, frozen, cold, and shaking. My ability to think is slowly shutting down. My heart is pounding in my throat, too scared to understand anything, I'm completely consumed with fear.

His lips hovering over mine, close enough to touch. "You will do as I say whenever the fuck I want you to. I control you, Mrs. Laila Romano. I will not hesitate to remind you of this Hell at every possible moment."

He storms to the closet and slams the door shut, making me flinch.

I run to the washroom and quietly shut the door. I'm not going to cry, I'm not going to cry, I'm not going to cry, I tell myself as I involuntarily start sniffling.

The washroom has his and her sinks. Sophie has already organized my skincare products on my side of the sink.

I lean over the sink, "You're okay, Laila. You're okay. Just breathe." I whisper to myself as I begin washing my face.

Just as I finish all my skincare steps, I hear the bedroom door slam.

He left.

It was almost if the slamming of the door or him leaving was a trigger because I start crying with great force. I couldn't stand up straight so I sit on the bathroom floor, this is something that seems to reoccurring in my life all of a sudden.

I think how crying my heart out would help make me feel lighter, but tear after tear made no difference. His words ringing piercingly in my ears.

That's the bed I'll fuck you on whether you want me or not.

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