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Laila's POV

After we got home, he wouldn't speak to me. I guess family isn't a very happy subject for him. I didn't push it either. I'll just try to find out about him through my own means.

I lay in bed, my back facing his back. I know he's not asleep, it's weird but I can feel it.

"When are you leaving for work tomorrow?" I ask.

He doesn't answer. Only the sound of his steady breathing filling the atmosphere.

I turn around to be met with his back faced towards me.

He never seems to ever sleep with a shirt on, doesn't he get cold? I roll my eyes, well, duh, he doesn't or else he'd be layered.

I trace my index finger across his back spelling out 'sorry' with a heart at the end. But he doesn't even budge, not even a slight shift.

I frown and retract my hand back underneath my head to rest on.

If he won't tell me about his past, I'll just have to do my own research. There's something that he keeps in the back of his mind, something that triggers his bursts of anger and violent behaviours.

I'm about to play with fire and I know I'll come out scorched.

• • •

"Why would you do that, Laila? Why would you do something you knew would hurt? Why did you voluntarily ruin everything you built?"  A disappointed voice says to me.

I couldn't quite distinguish who's voice this belonged to, it's clearly someone I know but I can't figure it out.

"What did I do? What are you talking about?" I ask, desperate for it to answer back.

"Laila... you're horrible, you're as loathsome as it can get..." the voice says back.

"What? What did I do? Please! Tell me!" I beg it to answer me.

"Laila... Laila... Laila..." the voice gets further and further away from my grasp.

"Wait! Stop!" I yell for it to come back.

My eyes shoot open as a trickle of sweat slides down my forehead.

I look around the dark room, my eyes flashing in all different directions, trying to focus.

I look at the clock: it's 3:16 AM.

It was only a dream, I think to myself.

The room is freezing so I feel my body slowly adjusting and lowering its temperature. My tense muscles begin to relax as I take in my familiar surroundings.

Suddenly, I realize I'm up against Alex's chest, his arms around me, holding me close to him.

I guess he can't control his anger in his sleep, I smirk to myself.

There's always some kind of odd comfort I feel when I'm in his arms. I can easily slip into a peaceful sleep when he holds me. It's almost like magic.

Or you've fallen deep enough to think of a monster as home, my conscience says.

It doesn't matter, I can't fight my thoughts right now. I'm too tired...

I slip into a deep slumber, without any nightmares interrupting my sleep for the rest of the night.

• • •

Alex has left the house early in the morning. He left the house by 6 AM. I didn't want to disturb him so I just pretended to sleep through it.

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