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A/N: Important note at the end! ❤️

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Alexander's POV

"Operating room! Now!" I hear Olivia yell at a few nurses as she's running alongside the stretcher.

"I need to help. I need to—" I begin to say frantically but Olivia cuts me off.

"No! You're in no shape or form to perform such an extensive surgery. You're also too close to case, Alex. Ethically, you shouldn't, anyways." She places a supportive hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. "Please, just hold on, for Laila's sake."

With that, she runs inside the operating room.

She's right, ethically it would be wrong. According to the Code of Medical Ethics, physicians are highly warned against treating themselves or members of their immediate family.

Plus, I'm not in the right state of mind to do anything that involves a life.

I take a seat on a chair outside the operating room. I can feel the pitiful glances of nurses and other physicians who are passing by.

The adrenaline floods my system, like it's on an intravenous drip, right into my blood in full strength. My heart feels like as if it will explode, my eyes are wide with shock. It's finally settling in, what just happened. My body is in two modes: it wants to either run extremely fast out of here or find the bastard who did this but instead I stay right where I am.

I think of my options but I can't act on it, I'm frozen. I want to stop the hammering in my chest, but there's no way that will happen now.

This is my fault. This is my fault. It's always my fault. I'm always the cause of everything evil. I'm an awful person—

"Oh shit! Alex!"

I turn my head to see James running towards me. His eyes widen at my state.

"Not my blood." I answer the burning question in his mind.

But that doesn't relax his face muscles. "That's not what I was worried about. You look... you look like you just fought Death himself."

Suddenly, he realizes he's not at the hospital for me. "Laila." He chokes out.

I tell him everything, every bit of detail I can possibly remember.

"What the fuck? Who's the asshole?" James asks.

"Some rich attorney's son." I sigh. It doesn't matter. I just want Laila to be alright.

"Have you told Dr. Ali?" I ask.

James nods. "She's stuck in traffic."

"She's going to have my head on a stick." I say.

James snorts. "Yes, yes she will."

• • •

Dr. Ali had joined us 30 minutes later. She hadn't stopped crying, James is trying his best to comfort her.

Surprisingly, she didn't yell at me or try to kill me. In fact, she told me it's going to be okay.

I probably look more distraught than I think I look because Dr. Ali keeps looking at me with such sympathy.

Four hours in, Olivia walks out of the operating room, making James, Dr. Ali and I jump off of our seats.

"I'm delighted to announce Laila is in a stable condition. She's going to be okay." She has the brightest smile on her face.

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