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Laila's POV

"Did you pack everything? Always keep your passport safe. Stay close to Dr. Romano and Dr. Miller. Don't start exploring by yourself because I know you'll get lost. I won't even say might, I know you will." Maryam checks up with multiple things before my flight.

"Yes, yes, mom. I have everything in check. Do I even look like an adventurer? I'm probably going to stay holed up in my hotel room unless someone takes me out sightseeing." I say.

"You're right. You're a boring person. You'll be safe, Insh'Allah (If Allah is willing)." Maryam jokes. "How am I going to live a week without you?" She pouts.

"Now you get a little alone time with James." I wink. "Time to make your move."

"Haha. Very funny, Laila. Let me know when you make your move with Dr. Romano, also known as your fiancé, and I'll do the same." Maryam says this to shut me up and it works because I shut up right away.

I give her a long hug.

"I'll miss you." She sighs. "Don't come back married or something weird." She says and begins to giggle.

"Maryam!!" I scold her. Then, I hold hand and say, "I'll miss you, too."

I hear a honk outside.

"Your ride's here!" Maryam says as she looks out the door. "I think it's Dr. Miller... Oh shit, her car's a beauty! Maybe I should've became a surgeon or something, damn!"

I drag my large luggage and small carry-on. I wear a small side bag for my smaller items to take inside the plane.

I look outside to see Olivia in a bright clean white Bentley Flying Spur. My God, how much do surgeons make?

She rolls down her window and motions for me to come out as she opens the trunk of the car.

I give Maryam one last hug and say goodbye. "Have a safe flight both of you!" She says to Olivia and I.

"Thank you!" Olivia says back as she waves.

I put my luggage in the trunk carefully, trying not to scratch or scrap anything because this car itself starts at $200,000.

"I'm so excited! Girls vacation! Plus, Alex but who cares about him, right?" Olivia is in high spirits. She looks like she hasn't had a proper vacation in years. "The conference lasts two days but I begged the hospital to let us stay for a week! Alex might fly back early because his work is his wife but you're staying with me."

I couldn't help but giggle at how excited she is. Olivia's thrill is contagious.

"Wait, Olivia, isn't the airport south that way?" I point at the exit she skipped.

She shakes her head. "We're going to a private airport. Alex didn't tell you? We're taking his family's private plane."

"Wait, his what??? His family owns a whole plane?" I couldn't hold in my shock. There's so much I don't know about him still.

She nods. "Crazy, right? His family is rich beyond words. He doesn't talk about them much, though. It's better not to ask him about them, he gets really worked up. It's not pretty."

I agree. It's better not to make him angry on such a wonderful trip.

"Are you also part of some mega-billion dollar family because everyone I've been around recently turns out to be seriously rich." I laugh.

"No way! I'm from a pretty middle-class family. Honestly, screw those rich douchebags! I made my money by myself. Worked my ass off for it too. Everything I own is paid by yours truly." She says proudly.

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