1 | The Twins (1470)

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Traveling is my thing. Staying in one place for more than three months really doesn't fit the bill in my books. I feel like the airport is my second home, considering I do spend more time there than my actual house. It's not like I want to be there anyways, Dad is always away on business, and then Mom is just too self-centered for her own good. The only good thing about that place is that the chef makes great food and the staff are the family I never had.

Focusing on the music that is coming from my headphones I look out the window to see the clouds slowly coming closer to the small private jet. The stewardess took the plates from lunch and then kindly asked for me to do up my seat belt as we were going to go through a bit of turbulence. Nothing I haven't done before.

The usual excitement that is usually inside of me as the plane descends into the abyss of clouds is now replaced by resentment and longing to be back in the clouds going somewhere like Germany, Brazil, or even Canada for peat's sake! But no, my parents bought me a one way ticket to Japan. More precisely, a one way ticket to the Araya Mansion. Where the maids care more for you than the actual owners.

As the plane slowly makes it's way down, it bounces up and down a bit. It used to scare me as a little girl and the air hostess would have to sit with me and hold my hand. Now, now it reminds me of a surf board bobbing up and down on the waves of Hawaii.

Once the wheels touched the ground (not so gracefully I might add), I took out my headphones and started to put everything back into my bag. All the traveling I have done, I really have learned how to expertly fit all of my basic needs into a tiny little carry on. That doesn't really count for the 2 heavy suitcases in the back of the plane that have clothes that probably shoudln't even touch the floor, jumbled up into a ball and squished into the case along with everything else in it.

Finally, I was able to get up and get out of this tiny cabin. On the jet was only me and two other business men that my Dad knew, and ordered to stay with me until I was safely at the mansion. He said it was to make sure I didn't get hurt on my way back, but I knew it was to make sure I didn't skip out and go to Switzerland again. He was right to do so, because when he called me and said I was coming to Japan, I was one click away from a first class ticket to Switzerland.

Walking down the long tunnel to the terminal, the only sound was a faint buzz of the engines and the wheels of my bag rolling along with each step I took. They were sounds I had grown accustom to, and I liked them.

Normally I would have had my luggage handed to me in person but since Father dearest thought I would have more fun at the luggage belt, I waited along with everyone else for their luggage. I've done this before, and I don't mind all that much but there is always that feeling I get that someone might take my bag.

After about five minutes, luggage started coming out, the placed was packed now and I had to push my way through the crowd when I finally thought I saw my own piece. Me being me, I didn't really check the tag because frankly I was not in the mood. Grabbing the other one, I pushed through the crowd again. I dramatically jumped out of the crowd into the open space that was in between the door and mass amount of people.

Wiping my dress from pretend dirt, I started walking straight away. Before I made it at least three steps I was blocked off by two tall men. I looked up and saw a pair of twins standing in front of me. They had auburn colour hair, were wearing clearly designer clothing and had a look on their faces that I couldn't really read, and I can read faces like a Dr. Seuss book.

"You have our bags." The one on the left said. Then they both pointed to the bags being trailed behind me.

"No, these are mine." I said plainly. It was a 10 hour flight and I was really not in the mood for any of the crap these guys wanted to stir up.

"Really? Check the tag." The one on the right said, their faces were turning more smug as I crouched down to check the tag. At this moment I was wondering where those body guards my father sent me with are. I could be getting harassed right now, and they aren't doing a very good job of keeping me "safe". I turned over the now unfamiliar looking tag. My heart sank as I read the name Kaoru Hitachiin.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. It was a long flight and I just don't want to be here to be honest. So, here's your bags and I'm taking those are mine?" I ask as I sigh, pointing to the bags behind them that frankly look exactly like mine. Note to self: buy different coloured luggage. Running a hair through my un-natural blonde hair I took the bags from them and started to walk away again. Before I get to far I stop and turn around. "Thank you...by the way." I offer them a small smile and continue on my not so merry way, still feeling their eyes on me.

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Once the uneventful car ride to the mansion was through I got out of the car and my bags were ushered from me and brought to my room whilst I was forced to hug my dear mother and hear all about her new makeup line, who she styled for and blah blah blah. Nothing I haven't heard over the phone. I could only put up with my mom for so long, so after 45 minutes of her talking away, only giving me time to nod and say that I knew the person she was talking about.

"Well, I think I'm going to turn in early tonight. It was a long flight and I need to catch up on my....beauty sleep." I say, knowing that if I say anything to help with my complexion she will agree instantly. I get up for the not-so-comfortable chair and I was forced into yet another hug.

"I'm so happy my little Sora-chan is back. Maybe this weekend I could try some new colours on you." She gave me a huge smile, which I sort of returned. It ended up more of me smiling with my eyes. She kisses my cheek probably leaving a lipstick stain, and I walk upstairs and down the hall, which is decorated with huge pictures of my mother. When I reached my room at the end of the hall I open the door and breath in all the dust from the untouched room. Before I left, I told everyone not to touch my room, except for monthly cleaning. Walking across the room, I plop down on my bed face first.

One of the maids knock on my door not long after I enter. I told her to come in and she gave me a cup of tea. I take a sip and it reminds me back when I was a child and I used to have a cup of tea every night before bed with Mother and Father. Back when everything was perfect. It's been roughly 8 years since I've done that though.

"I remember back in the day when you and your parents would sit by the fire and drink tea right before bed, talking about your days at work and school." The woman with short brown hair bowed and started to leave.

"Wait!" I called right as she was about to close the door. "How come you remembered?" I ask probably no louder than a whisper.

"My dear, you brought life into this house. You were the first family I've ever worked for when I started here. The day was dull until you came home from school. It's good to have you back Sora-san. Goodnight." With that, she closed the door and left me to my thoughts.

So maybe if I steer clear of my mother, and her "new colours" and just hang out with the staff, this place may not be so bad after all.

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